Where cyber bullying doesn’t apply

What you need to know:

  • Influencers seem to have a thick skin for negativity. 

Personally, the day I stop writing articles, there is a big chance that I may stop posting on social media. However, I may become a stalker, at least for a while, like many others, checking on other people’s posts without showing any sign that I am actually checking all their posts, pictures and stories!

The main reason for my postings is the full experience of social media , the interaction with others without seeing them face to face, checking out all the likes, dislikes and those emojis that are added to our vocabulary.  For a writer, this is a fertile domain where you can harvest your next idea, and of course without ideas, there is not much to write about.

For some people, social media has become a source of livelihood, we have a new job title called an influencer.  Some have hundreds of thousands of followers, while others have millions. 
For the same reason above, I am following quite a few influencers, but do not be surprised if I tell you that it is not only their content that I follow. I actually go through most of the comments shared below their videos and here is where it becomes exciting. Let me talk about Arab influencers, these are divided into different categories, ones who have tutorials on make-up, art of life and fasion, doctors and nutritionists giving health advice, religious figures guiding others to the straight path, but above all there are cooks,  cooking and food recipes are the most dominant content on social media. Apparently, it does not matter how many times we watch an apple pie being made, the next person will still make an apple pie and call it ‘apple pie  my style’ and thousands will click the like and share buttons. 

Going back to the comments part, I know for a fact that most of us cannot take criticism, even if it is constructive. But, then the amount of negative posts on most of these videos is so much, that it makes me wonder if those influencers read these posts. I know if these were about me, I would not sleep in the night if I went through just a few of them. However, it seems some content is meant to provoke people, hence creating greater interaction. 

There is a certain Egyptian woman who shares posts about her life, but mainly about her dogs. Usually Muslims do not welcome the idea of having dogs at home, so her posts provoke such negative reactions that I keep wondering, if she actually reads these comments that belittle her to pure humiliation. Even though there are new words that came up, such as cyber bullying, in her case, no one comes to her defence, but she is going on.

And I end on this note!