For Kateera, an empowered youth is all the world needs 

Robert Kateera (R) with some of his friends. The Toronto Airways Canadian Flight Academy trained pilot wants to use his influence to impact youth both in Uganda and Canada. Photo / Courtesy 

What you need to know:

  • Born on April 19, 1995 to James Karamuzi Kateera and late Mable Ruganzyana of Kanoni, Kirihura District, Kateera left Uganda for Canada to pursue a pilot training course.  

When Robert Kateera first travelled to Canada, he was only 19. His ambitions were just that of a teenager out alone to explore, see the world and have some fun.

Yes, he had lots going right for him. Life had turned for the best for him. He now had an opportunity to curve himself a future, in a part of the world that presents plenty and hands a chance to everyone.   

That was eight years ago and Kateera, who had travelled to pursue a piloting dream, has outgrown his teenage excitement. 

His path now is that of a determined young man that must at all cost realise the life that he had only dreamt of as a young boy. 

Of course, beyond nourishing his own desires, deep inside, Kateera wants to contribute to building a better society and hopes that someone someday will be inspired by his story.  

Born on April 19, 1995 to James Karamuzi Kateera and late Mable Ruganzyana of Kanoni, Kirihura District, Kateera left Uganda for Canada to pursue a pilot training course.  

His ambitions then were limited in so many ways. Get the papers - from Toronto Airways Canadian Flight Academy – look for a placement and live life.

“My ambitions were just limited to getting good grades. But I realised there was life beyond books,” he says.   

However, now that he has seen life, he has realised there is more to books and just living

Kateera, who will make 28 years in April, has found some new drive and purpose in life that desires to uplift youth, in whichever way possible. 

And for this, he has been found himself chauffeured to high tables and high offices that he could only dream of. 

“I came here to study but in 2017, I was recognised as the young best achiever in aviation at the Harry Jerome Awards by the Prime Minister of Canada, a representative of the Obama Youth Council,” he says. 

Perhaps, unknown to Kateera this was the beginning of a long journey into youth support initiatives that have now turned into one of his preoccupation.  

“Our living in this world is temporary but our works live on forever. That is what I seek to do not only for myself but even others whom I can render support,” he says. 

Kateera, who eight years ago was happy with just getting papers, has made his hands full and his works are beginning to pay off. 

Of course, he has not been oblivious to the challenges, but because he is not afraid to try, he has dared where others would fold arms and look on. 

And it is for this hard work and daring attitude that he was last year appointed to the Canadian Prime Minister’s Youth Council. 

Robert Kateera, the Toronto Airways Canadian Flight Academy pilot. Photo / Courtesy 

The council, which focuses on youth entrepreneurship, education and skill development, Kateera says, provides an opportunity for him to engage young people both in Canada, Uganda and elsewhere. 

“I will leverage my influence to urge governments such as Uganda and others in East Africa to commit the right resources and enact policies that ensure a clear path of prosperity for youth, women and children,” he says. 

But beyond this, he says, he will also do some heavy lifting by supporting youth projects that are focused on job creation, equipping young people with skills and enhancing skills for youth to benefit from the digital economy.

The appointment is a four-year term and by the end of the four years, Kateera will definitely be able to measure how he has impacted youth both in Canada and Uganda. 

Uganda has one of the world's youngest population with more than 78 percent of the population below the age of 30. 

At least just under eight million youth are aged between 15 and 30 years. 

Therefore, it can only be concerted efforts that can lift the youth out this challenge. 

"I am where I am today because someone has given me a shoulder. If someone has given me a shoulder, I want to reciprocate by enabling others to support more people,” he says. 

Kateera is the third born in a family of three sisters and four brothers.

He attended Uganda Martyrs Primary School, Mbarara, before joining Taibah College School, Bwebajja for his O and A levels. 

In 2015 he relocated to Canada for a piloting course after doing some basic pilot training at Kajjansi Flying School. Kateera is now an accomplished pilot with more than 1,000 hours of flight time.