Mbarara High School marks centenary

Ankole Doicese Bishop Rev. Dr. Sheldon Mwesigwa leads the President on a tour of the school during celebration to mark 100 years of Mbarara High School. PHOTO ALFRED TUMUSHABE

Mbarara High School, on Saturday marked 100 years of teaching at a ceremony presided over by President. Mr Museveni studied at the school between 1959-1960.

Speaking at the ceremony Mr Museveni hinted on a subject that activists for better education quality have been trying to popularise, feeding of students. In a light hearted comment the president reminisced how the school “underfed” them observing that underfeeding of children could still be happening especially in boarding schools. The centenary celebrations were marked under the theme ‘Celebrating 100 Years of Excellence.’

The school was one of the first primary and junior secondary schools in former Ankole started by Christian missionaries and Kingdom officials in 1911. Mr Museveni praised the school for providing a rare eraly opportunity for leaning in Ankole.
“Education facilities were very few. Those who went through these institutions were very privileged. Therefore Mbarara High School has played a key role in this part of Ankole,” he said.

He hailed Omugabe (King) Kahaya and Rev Canon C. Buningwire who started the school for their foresight. Despite getting good education from the school, Mr Museveni said there are things he did not like about the institution including insufficient food.

“We got very good education to prepare us to go to Ntare. But there were few things I did not like. There was insufficient food for children (students); we would really feel very hungry. I hope this is not the situation today. Students made their own supplementary meals. When we went to Ntare we were eating a lot of food,” Mr Museveni said. He urged boarding schools to give enough food to students.

Mr Museveni also spoke on inter school rivalry that often exhibits itself in bitter fights that have at time ended fatally. Notorious fights between Mbarara High School and St Joseph’s at Nyamitanga have been regular in the town. He also condemned the practice of bullying which also has led to death of students.

“The rivalry between Mbarara High School and Nyamitanga was bad because it was based on sectarian sentiments. There were always fights whenever there was a football match, which was very bad, it was wrong culture. There was a bad culture of bullying, even students lost lives, I am happy it stopped,” Mr Museveni said.

Mr Museveni praised the school for its emphasis on technical education skills based training.
He cautioned the current students against risky behaviors and asked teachers to counsel students about the dangers of pre-marital sex.

“What students need to focus on is discipline, academic excellence and physical fitness; life will be easier for you. It is something wrong when you start looking for girls prematurely, teachers should discourage this,” he said. He cautioned that circumcision does not stop one from catching HIV/AIDS but only stopping risky behavours will.

“People are promoting circumcision as if that will stop Aids. But I know Muslims who have died of Aids. I know Bagisu who have died of Aids. Instead of emphasizing clear message; to avoid risky behaviours they are spreading confusion .Be careful with your life,” Mr Museveni said.

Ankole diocese Bishop Rt Rev.Dr Sheldon Mwesigwa said the diocesans exams and sports competitions will soon kickoff in the church of Uganda founded schools and that the diocese is going to appoint an inspector of schools. “The synod has approved diocesan inspector of schools. Our plan is to complement the government effort,” Dr Mwesigwa said.