13 Bobi Wine supporters remanded over obstructing police officers on duty

Some of presidential candidate Robert Kyagulanyi's supporters being led to court holding cells shortly after they were remanded to Lira Government Prison on December 15, 2020.  PHOTO/ ISAAC OTWII

What you need to know:

  • They were ordered to return to court on December 23, 2020 for bail applications hearing.

A grade one Magistrate Court in Lira City Tuesday remanded 13 supporters of the National Unity Platform (NUP) to Lira Government Prison after they were charged with obstructing police officers on duty.

The presiding magistrate, Igga Adiru heard that the suspects while at Alito Sub-county in Kole District on December 11, 2020 resisted and blocked Augustine Oluga and other police officers from executing their duties.

The 13 who include two women were arrested at NUP presidential candidate, Robert Kyagulanyi’s rally in Kole. They denied the charges against them in court.

One of the suspects, Ms Angel Kwagala who was limping told court that she sustained a dislocation during her arrest before she was taken to Kole Central Police Station.

“My Lord, I sustain a dislocation due to the manner in which I was arrested by the police officers. I have not even received pain killers since then,” she told court.

Their lawyer, Ms Betty Alum’s attempt to secure their freedom failed.

The suspects in court

“I am acting on behalf of the accused persons and I am praying for an order of release of the vehicles, and a motorcycle belonging to the accused persons. Your honor, I am instructed to apply for bail for the accused persons as well,” she said.

However, the magistrate said it was late for the bail hearing considering the time they were presented in court (4pm).

“The particulars of these offenses are that all of you (13) on the December 11, 2020 at Kole district you resisted and obstructed police officers in the due execution of their duties; there is no evidence that the said vehicles are being held by the police. You are therefore, remanded until December 23, 2020,” the magistrate said.

They were ordered to return to court on December 23, 2020 for bail applications hearing.