13 market vendors perish in Amuria road accident

Accident scene at Alomain swamp in Alakaituk area where 13 market vendors perished. Photo | URN

What you need to know:

  • The Fuso truck was transporting traders to weekly markets in Adipala-Kapelebyong district and Orwamuge Market in Kotido District.

A motor accident along Wera-Asamuk Road in Amuria District has claimed the lives of 13 market vendors and left five others nursing critical injuries.

The accident involving a Fuso truck Reg. No. UBA 670V occurred at Alomayin swamp in Alakaituk area Monday morning.

The Fuso truck was transporting traders to weekly markets in Adipala-Kapelebyong district and Orwamuge Market in Kotido District. The truck was carrying vegetables and other merchandise to the markets.

12 people died on spot and another died at Soroti Regional Referral Hospital where he had been rushed for treatment. Among the dead are seven women and six men. Police are yet to identify the deceased and the injured

Mr Oscar Gregg Ageca, the East Kyoga Regional Police Spokesperson, said that preliminary findings indicate that the truck driver lost control due to a bad patch on the road before the vehicle overturned several times.

“We have visited the scene and are instituting mechanisms to have the motor vehicle removed from the swamp. We appeal to those persons whose relatives carry on businesses as vendors with a known record on this route to reach out about their wellbeing at Soroti Regional Referral Hospital,” he said in a press statement.

ASP Faridah Nampiima, the traffic police spokesperson, in a press statement, cautioned all lorry drivers to desist from carrying passengers as it is illegal.