36 couples tie knot in Ntungamo mass wedding

Some of the 36 couples walk ahead of their mass wedding in Ntungamo District on June 8, 2024. PHOTO/PEREZ RUMANZI 

What you need to know:

  • Some of the newlyweds were also dressed in gowns and suits hired with the church’s help.

At least 36 couples Saturday tied the knot at a mass wedding organized by the Kibatsi Archdeaconry Church of Uganda in Ntungamo District.

Kibatsi archdeacon Rev Atheria Mwebembezi backed the church’s decision to hold the mass wedding saying: “The church is lacking people to participate in their daily activities that require many in church to be fully wedded.”

The church particularly cleared fees for the couples in addition to holding for them a joint party. Some of the newlyweds were also dressed in gowns hired with the church’s help.

“People are fearing wedding because of due costs. This is one reason that the church must come in to find the lost people, aid them to legalise their marriages and maybe this would be a double advantage, t church and to the couples.” Ven. Mwebembezi said.

However, he denounced increasing domestic violence, including amongst marrieds.

Some of the 36 couples prepare to take their vows during a mass wedding in Ntungamo District on June 8, 2024. PHOTO/PEREZ RUMANZI 

Speaking at the sidelines of the wedding, Ntungamo District woman Member of Parliament (MP) Joseline Kamateneti asked government to consider legality of marriages at customary level.

“About 95% of the couples we have are not wedded, people call that illegal marriage, but I think legality should begin at the husband visiting the wife’s household and doing the customary rituals. There should be certificates issued and this should be the centre of marriage. Many women are suffering legality issues after their husbands die because they are not wedded even after staying together for years. We need to look into this,” Kamateneti emphasized.

The youngest couple had lived together for 5 years while the oldest have been together for 53 years without considering church marriage, according to Rev Mwebembezi.

Some of the 36 couples cut cake during a mass wedding in Ntungamo District on June 8, 2024. PHOTO/PEREZ RUMANZI 

Wilson Twamuhabwa Kadidi an economist with the ministry of finance who was one of the sponsors of the event acknowledged the role played by the church in stabilizing families.

“Without the church involvement, issues of violence, criminality and immorality would be so high.