48-year-old vlogger freed after agreeing to remove offensive posts

Complainant Juliet Zawedde (L) and prosecutor Joan Keko sign an agreement to free 48-year-old Ronald Kibedi Cox (inset) at the Buganda Road Chief Magistrate’s Court in Kampala on July 16, 2024. PHOTO/JULIET KIGONGO 

What you need to know:

  • While Ronald Kibedi was freed regarding this case, he still faces a separate one to do with insulting his former mother-in-law and the suspect's ex-girlfriend.

A 48-year-old vlogger was on Tuesday freed after he expressed remorse and agreed to remove offensive social media targeting a Ugandan based in America.

On remand since January 2024, vlogger Ronald Kibedi Cox had been battling charges of cyber harassment and insulting the modesty of a woman.

On Tuesday, state prosecutor Joan Keko informed Buganda Road Court that Kibedi had entered into an agreement with US based Juliet Zawedde to take down the posts.

Keko told court that the agreement had been done in accordance with provisions for reconciliation under the Ugandan law.

“I have endorsed the agreement. This court hereby promotes reconciliation and this file is hereby closed. The accused is set free and you can greet,” Buganda Road Court Grade One Magistrate Caroline Kyoshabire ruled.

Prosecution states that Kibedi -between 2019 and January 2024 in Kampala- used a computer to post messages and videos on his Facebook pages, wherein he made suggestions referring to Zawedde as a prostitute fraudster, sex worker, buttocks and fake dollar boss. Prosecution found these obscene and indecent. 

While Kibedi was freed regarding this case, he still faces another one in which he is accused of posting video-links insulting another woman and her daughter.

It is alleged that since 2021 till the day of his arrest on January 18, 2024, in Kampala, Kibedi had been using his official Facebook page to publish video-links with the intention that his former girlfriend and her mother see the posts.

In the said videos, Kibedi insinuates that his ex-girlfriend and her mother are prostitutes who spend most of their time bleaching their skins.

Having felt offended with the said videos, the mother and her daughter reported the matter to Central Police Station, hence Kibedi’s arrest.