Acholi gets new premier

Mr Polly Phillip Okin, the new Acholi Cultural Institution prime minister. PHOTO BY Dan Michael komakech


Acholi Paramount Chief David Onen Acana II has appointed Mr Polly Phillip Okin as the new prime minister of Acholi Cultural Institution after the suspension of the former premier Kenneth Oketa, early this year.

Mr Oketa was suspended following allegations of financial mismanagement. He was accused by some chiefs of mismanaging donor funds worth Shs230 million from the Netherlands Kingdom. The money was part of the Shs1.3 billion that the Demographic Governing Facility had earmarked for Acholi Cultural Institution in capacity building on conflict resolution and peace building.

Why Mr Okin
Speaking at a requiem mass in memory of Chief Justo Obita, the former chief of Koch in Kitgum District at the weekend, Chief Acana said he opted to appoint Mr Okin due to his positive advice to the cultural institution since 2006.

In a telephone interview with Daily Monitor, Mr Okin said the task given to him is so challenging, but he is optimistic that he will streamline activities at the cultural institution by fostering development and unity. “This is the time to revitalise the institution,” he said.

Mr Okin has been working as the deputy minister for planning and economic development at the Acholi Cultural Institution.