Acholi leaders too greedy, says chief

Rwot Onen Acana II, addresses Acholi leaders in Gulu Town last Friday. Photo by John Okot

GULU. The Acholi Paramount Chief, Rwot David Onen Acana II, has lashed out at Acholi leaders, accusing them of being “greedy” and only good at insulting him.
“Many of our leaders only wait to fault me and the institution yet our education and healthcare system are in a dire state,” Rwot Acana said.

He was speaking during a two-day meeting dubbed, “Wangoo” (evening fire discussion) at St Monica Tailoring School, last Friday. More than 300 leaders from the sub-region attended the meeting aimed at discussing issues affecting the community.
The chief said there was need for unity among the Acholi, especially after the war that plagued the region for nearly two decades.
“We tend to unite only during times of trouble. I hear there are leaders who are permanently staying in Kampala,” Rwot Acana observed.

Acholi prime minister Ambrose Olaa appealed to leaders in the sub-region to stop nursing grudges against the cultural institution.
Gulu Archdiocese Vicar General Msgr Mathew Odong, who represented Archbishop John Baptist Odama, appealed to the Acholi community not to re-elect leaders who fail to perform.
Aswa county MP Reagan Okumu appealed to leaders in Acholi to focus on service delivery rather than self-aggrandisement.
“As leaders, we should advocate for social services because we are still recovering from the post-war trauma,” he said.
In a telephone interview, at the weekend, Gulu District LC5 chairperson Martin Ojara Mapenduzi, concurred with Rwot Acana.
“The chief’s message should be taken seriously. Our people are languishing in poverty because of greedy leaders whose self-interest overrides the public good,” he said. He, however, noted that remarks from the Rwot were generalised, adding that some leaders are performing their duties.