Amudat residents reject Emyooga fish project cash over hostile climate

The money has been lying idle on the Amudat accounts since 2021. Photo/File

What you need to know:

  • Mr Lobot revealed that the money has been lying idle on the accounts since 2021.

Amudat district leaders have rejected cash meant for journalists and fish farmers saying the projects under the two Saccos were not viable.

“Among the Saccos which were not viable include the one for journalists and fish farmers. In Amudat, I don’t think there is anyone who has studied journalism. Another Sacco which is not operational is that of fish farmers. We don't have water," Mr Joseph Nangole Lobot, Amudat District Chairperson said. 

"We have been pushing government to construct water ponds, valley tanks and dams so we can have water for livestock. Now, where do we get water for aquaculture? The people of Amudat do not need a Sacco for fish farming, that is why no one has applied for this money," Mr Lobot added..

He tasked government and development partners to involve communities in selecting development projects, to avoid wastage of resources.

Mr Lobot was speaking to journalists during an ongoing three-day workshop that ends on September 14 on sustainable pathways to food security and economic growth in Karamoja. The workshop is being held at Speke Resort Munyonyo. 

Government through the Emyooga programme  allocated  millions of shillings to each of the 18 Saccos in Amudat District but residents shunned funds for two Saccos due to poor project selection.

Mr Lobot revealed that the money has been lying idle on the accounts since 2021.

He said that each Sacco received Shs30m except those for political leaders which were allocated Shs50m each. 

He said people find it hard to sustain aquaculture in  a water stressed sub- region like Karamoja.

“Government or any partner must adhere to participatory rural appraisal of projects in designing projects so that the projects can be viable and enhance sustainability," Mr Lobot said.

Emyooga is a Presidential Initiative on wealth and job creation whose objective is to transform households from substance to money economy.

In his keynote address, USAID Uganda Mission Director Mr Richard Nelson stressed the need for identifying concrete steps on how government and partners can work with the people of Karamoja  to support their aspirations, hope, and their journey towards a more prosperous and resilient future. 

This he said can be achieved through investing in climate smart livelihood opportunities, access to markets and services, natural resource management, water securing and good governance coupled with early warning and shock response.