Amuriat slams church leaders over adultery

Former Presidential candidate Patrick Oboi Amuriat. PHOTO/FILE. 

Former presidential candidate Patrick Oboi Amuriat has expressed concern over the bad precedence set by church leaders who are allegedly living adulterous lives.

Mr Amuriat attacked retired Archbishop Stanley Ntagali for not living by the doctrines and teachings of the church and the Bible.

“Imagine the whole person of the archbishop to tiptoe for the wife of reverend, that is so sad,” he said.

Mr Amuriat wondered how the church would continue preaching the bad side about adultery with such scenarios.
He was addressing mourners on Saturday in Kanyum Sub-county, Kumi District, at the burial of Crespo Opedesi, a retired teacher who died at 91.

The FDC president said church leaders should keep out of immoral acts in order to earn respect from their congregants.
Recently, Church of Uganda Archbishop Stephen Kaziimba suspended his predecessor Archbishop Ntagali from holding any church activities over adultery. 

Mr Amuriat also asked the Church of Uganda to grant Kumi Diocese a fair hearing in regard to the impasse over the new bishop. Kumi Diocese, which has 10 archdeaconries, has been rocked by leadership fights after the consecration of the Rev Charles Okunya, who was elected by the House of Bishops in November 2019, was nullified over disparity in his age.

Then Archbishop Ntangali appointed retired Lango Diocese Bishop Charles Odurkami as the caretaker of the diocese. However, a section of Christians rejected him and said they would keep recognising the Rev Okunya as their bishop.

A fortnight ago, Archbishop Kaziimba in his visit to the diocese, is reported to have threatened to reabsorb Kumi into Soroti Diocese over the leadership standoff. Kumi Diocese was carved out of Soroti Diocese in 2002.

The Rev Okunya, who was the main celebrant at the funeral of Mzee Opedesi, said those in church authority should live by Christ’s example.
He said the congregants will always judge church leaders by their actions.

“Many of you have been asking who I am, this is me, Okunya, I will been fought wrongly by those with money, because I don’t have money,” he said.