Biden honours Uganda on its 59th Independence celebration

(Left to Right) The Deputy Chief of Mission at US embassy in Kampala, Mr Christopher Krafft, the US ambassador Natalie Brown,  President Museveni, the minister of State for International Affairs Henry Oryem Okello, and other officials after a meeting yesterday. PHOTO / PPU

What you need to know:

  • Uganda will mark the anniversary  under the theme “Celebrating our 59th Independence Day as we secure our future through National mindset Change” at Kololo Independence Grounds in Kampala. 

President Museveni has received a special message from his United States counterpart  Joe Biden congratulating him upon Ugandas’ 59th Independence anniversary due to be celebrated on Saturday.

Uganda will mark the anniversary under the theme “Celebrating our 59th Independence Day as we secure our future through National mindset Change” at Kololo Independence Grounds in Kampala. 

The US ambassador to Uganda, Ms Natalie Brown, delivered the message to the President at State House Entebbe yesterday.

Mr Museveni and Ms Brown, who was accompanied by the Deputy Chief of Mission at the United States embassy in Kampala, Mr Christopher Krafft, also discussed bilateral and regional issues.

Mr Museveni thanked the ambassador for the message and commended the US government for donating Covid-19 vaccines to Uganda. 

The US delivered 1,674,270 doses of the Pfizer vaccine on September 20. 
These combined with the September 6 delivery of 647,080 Moderna doses, the US has donated a total of 2,321,350 Covid-19 vaccine doses to Uganda.
This tranche of 1,674,270 vaccines is part of the 500 million Pfizer doses the US has delivered to 92 countries to fulfill President Biden’s commitment to provide safe and effective vaccines around the world and supercharge the global fight against the pandemic.

The Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Mr Henry Okello Oryem, and the  ministry’s Permanent Secretary, Mr Vincent Waiswa Bagiire, among others attended the meeting.