Bobi Wine, Amuriat agree to meet EC over Covid-19 rules

NUP presidential candidate Robert Kyagulanyi alias Bobi Wine poses for a photo before setting off for his campaign trail on December 3, 2020. PHOTO | FILE | COURTESY

What you need to know:

  • Background. Both candidates were on Friday last week summoned over alleged continued flouting of Covid-19 standard operating procedures (SOPs). “... you have continued to ignore and /or neglected observing the standard operating procedures by holding mass rallies and processions, contrary to established guidelines thereby risking the lives of the people...,Justice Simon Byabakama, said.

Presidential candidates Robert Kyagulanyi, alias Bobi Wine and Patrick Amuriat have agreed to meet the Electoral Commission (EC) a day after they skipped the meeting and sent representatives.

This was confirmed yesterday after representatives of the two Opposition candidates separately met EC officials for about two hours at the commission headquarters in Kampala.

The National Unity Platform (NUP) vice president for central region, Mr Mathias Mpuuga, told journalists that followed the closed door meeting, they agreed that their party candidate, Bobi Wine, will honour the EC summons today.

“We agreed to finally amicably have an understanding of the issues tomorrow morning (today), a meeting our president will also attend in person,” he said.

Mr Mpuuga was accompanied by other party officials, including Mr Medard Sseggona (Bobi Wine’s lawyer), Ms Flavia Kalule (leader of the women’s league), and Mr Lewis Rubongoya (secretary general).

He further explained that Bobi Wine could not meet EC officials yesterday because he was busy campaigning in northern Uganda. 

Mr Julius Galisonga, the FDC lawyer who represented Mr Amuriat, also revealed they agreed that the party presidential candidate will attend the meeting with EC tomorrow (Wednesday).

FDC presidential candidate, Patrick Amuriat arrives at Mbarara police station after he was arrested at Bukombe village, Kyamuwunga Sub County which borders Rubirizi and Bushenyi districts on December 4, 2020. PHOTO | MICHAEL KAKUMIRIZI

 “Our candidate could not come today because he was in Karamoja Sub-region but since the EC maintained that Amuriat comes in person, we have agreed that he shows up tomorrow. We tried to convince the EC to permit him to meet them on December 19 because he will be in Mukono District in vain,” Mr Galisonga said.Both candidates were on Friday last week summoned over alleged continued flouting of Covid-19 standard operating procedures (SOPs) by holding processions and mass rallies.

 In the same regard, EC yesterday met the NRM parliamentary candidate for Kyotera County, Mr Haruna Kasolo, and his Iganga Municipality counterpart Peter Mugema for allegedly flouting Covid-19 guidelines.

Mr Kasolo, who is also the State minister of Micro Finance, in his defence said he never intended to have a big rally, arguing that he had only invited 200 people.

He said the video clip showing huge crowds at his campaign meetings had been doctored but proposed that the number of people to be met by candidates be reduced to between 30 and 50.

Mr Mugema, on the other hand, said he will try to follow the existing guidelines but said it is hard to chase people who show up at his rallies.

Meanwhile, Independent presidential candidate John Katumba, who unexpectedly showed up at the EC offices in Kampala yesterday, could not meet Justice Simon Byabakama. 

Mr Katumba said he wanted to meet the EC boss after accusing security officers of blocking his rallies.