Busia leaders ask Chinese investors to support local schools 

 An official from China Railway 18 Bureau Group Company Ltd handing over scholastic materials and other basic necessities to Buwerero Primary School pupils in Busia over the weekend. PHOTO | FRED WAMBEDE

What you need to know:

  • They say these schools lack essential resources, including scholastic materials, libraries, and proper infrastructure, leading to high dropout rates and poverty.

Residents and leaders in Busia District are calling on Chinese investors to support government-aided schools under the Universal Primary Education (UPE) program in order to improve the quality of education.

They say these schools lack essential resources, including scholastic materials, libraries, and proper infrastructure, leading to high dropout rates and poverty.

"The private investors like the Chinese should extend support to these schools," said Mr Aienea Masiga, Speaker of Lumino Town Council. "Most schools under UPE do not receive adequate funding, compromising the quality of education."

Mr Masiga said government aided schools especially in Busia District are registering increasing enrolment of pupils yet they have few classrooms and some of the structures are dilapidated.

Ms Joan Masaba, a resident, added, "The schools receive books, but they don't have libraries. Our investors should support our schools to establish libraries."

The locals and leaders made the remarks during a donation ceremony of scholastic materials and other basic necessities including sanitary and food stuffs to Buwerero Primary School on Tuesday by China Railway 18 Bureau Group Company Ltd.

The company renovated classroom blocks at the school in 2019, leading to increased enrollment from 200 pupils to 452, currently.

It’s currently undertaking the construction of Tororo-Busia and Lumino-Namayingo, among other roads.

Mr Ronald Busuka, the school head teacher, said: "Support for renovation has eased learning and teaching, attracting more learners. The number of school dropouts has reduced due to the renovated classrooms and availability of scholastic materials."

Mr Xhao Zeli, Project Manager at China Railway 18 Bureau Group Company LTD, said: "These donations explain our love for humanity. We started supporting Buwerero School in 2019 and will continue to give back to the Ugandan people."