Covid-19 forced me to steal, Makerere University student tells court

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A 24-year-old Makerere University student who stole an aerial from a parked car has blamed his mischief on tough economic times that were caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Liwa Lewis Mulungi, a third year Quantitative Economics student, was answering theft charges before Buganda Road Chief Magistrate's video link session that was presided over by magistrate, Ms Gladys Kamasanyu.

He was arrested on September 5, by a security guard at the parking yard of Senana Supermarket in Kampala, after stealing an aerial worth Shs150, 000 from a shopper’s car.

 Mulungi pleaded guilty.

Upon pleading guilty, Ms Kamasanyu, asked him to brief court why he resorted to stealing instead of finding proper means of getting an income.

He told court that the tough economic situation that was caused by COVID-19 made it hard for him to get legal means of getting money.

"Your worship, as a student at Mak and I have learnt a lesson. On the day I stole from a car, I suffered a lot of mob justice from the masses. I only have God to thank that I am still alive,"Mulungi said.

Ms Kamasanyu told him that he’s indeed lucky that the mob did not include boda boda riders; otherwise his life would have ended that day.

Prosecution that was led by Mr Ivan Kyazze asked court to give Mulungi a custodial sentence because car vandalism is common in Kampala.

Mr Kyazze said that since Mulungi premeditated his acts, a custodial sentence is the best way of rehabilitating him.

Ms Kamasanyu will sentence Mulungi on September 23.