CSO condemns budget misappropriation

Finance minister Matia Kasaija carries a symbolic briefcase containing the National Budget at Kololo Ceremonial Grounds on Thursday. PHOTO | DAVID LUBOWA

What you need to know:

  • This comes after President Yoweri Museveni returned the Appropriation Bill, expressing concerns over the reallocation of Shs750 billion away from government priorities.

In a scathing critique, the Civil Society Budget Advocacy Group (CSBAG) has accused Parliament of disregarding the needs of Ugandans during the appropriation of the 2024-25 budget.

This comes after President Yoweri Museveni returned the Appropriation Bill, expressing concerns over the reallocation of Shs750 billion away from government priorities.

Mr Julius Mukunda, the Executive Director of CSBAG, lamented that Parliament's decision to reallocate funds for personal or political gain is "fundamentally wrong" and amounts to "budgeting for corruption and self-preservation."

He warned that such corrupt practices erode public trust and deprive citizens of essential services.

Mr Mukunda noted that the public outcry over corruption in Parliament has led to the detention and charging of three MPs. He expressed concern that the return of the Appropriation Bill may delay project implementation in the 2024-25 financial year, citing uncertainties surrounding the final budget decision and allocations.

The reallocated funds were initially intended for key government priorities, including the construction of 111 seed secondary schools, rehabilitation and equipping of hospitals, construction of solar-powered water supply systems in 19 districts, and rehabilitation of the standard gauge railway.

"Parliament's selfish decision-making demonstrates a disregard for the broader needs of society," Mukunda said. "We urge Parliament to prioritize the wellbeing of Ugandans over personal interests."