Delegates meet in Kampala to discuss sustainable urban development

The three-day meeting will be chaired by the KCCA Executive Director, Ms Jennifer Musisi (Pictured).File Photo

What you need to know:

The three-day meeting will be chaired by the KCCA Executive Director, Ms Jennifer Musisi, who will lead delegates in brainstorming about among other sub-topics; planning our Cities, powering our cities, water and sanitation and financing of cities


Delegates from 27 countries across the world are meeting today in Kampala to devise sustainable solutions to the problems posing threats to the future of cities in the world.
Key among the problems that will inform the discussions are; the massive informal settlements, climate change, poor waste disposal and insufficient funding for local governments among urban centres, mostly in African continent with the highest rate of urban population growth of about 4.0 percent per year.
These challenges, which are said to be hindering service delivery, will be discussed today at the ‘Future of Cities Forum’ at Speke Resort Munyonyo in Kampala.

The annual rotational forum is being hosted by Kampala Capital City Authority under the theme; “Making the case for regenerative urban development: A guiding framework for an urbanising Africa” and has attracted delegates from 27 countries, including Canada, Germany, Japan, Rwanda, India, Burundi, Kenya and Netherlands, among others.
KCCA spokesperson, Peter Kaujju said the need to deliver self-sustaining cities in the future is one of the key issues delegates at the forum will find solutions on how that dream can be realised.
“We are honoured to be hosting the event but it is also an opportunity for us as KCCA to share solutions with the world’s best brains in urban planning,” said Mr Kaujju in an interview with Daily Monitor.

The forum serves as a vital planning platform for Mayors, city planners, urban development technical experts, scientists, development partners and representatives of civil society and the private sector.
“The wave of urbanization is a global phenomenon and there is no doubt that the proportion of the human population living in urban areas is increasing worldwide. This forum is intended to provide a strategic option for sharing sustainable solutions and best practices in regional urban regeneration,” reads a circular from KCCA.
Mr Kaujju said Kampala like any other city in the world undergoes numerous challenges that can be solved using solutions designed by both local and international experts and it’s what we are looking up-to achieving.
The three-day meeting will be chaired by the KCCA Executive Director, Ms Jennifer Musisi, who will lead delegates in brainstorming about among other sub-topics; planning our Cities, powering our cities, water and sanitation and financing of cities.