Expansion of Entebbe Airport kicks off

The lane which according to the manager public affairs at the CAA Ignie Igunduura (inset) will connect the new cargo area to the terminal at the airport that is being worked on as part of the expansion. PHOTO BY PAUL ADUDE

ENTEBBE: Works to expand Entebbe International Airport have officially kicked off with the renovation of the checking area and grading of the new cargo area that will be able to host more airplane traffic.
Mr Ignie Igunduura, the manager public affairs at the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) during a tour of the ongoing works at the Airport Tuesday said the expansion would decongest plane and passenger traffic at the airport.
“We have been having a problem of congestion mostly at peak hours in the afternoon. We are already experiencing departing time expense, planes find it hard to land and so the expansion will bring up more seven parking areas for the planes,” he said.

Mr Igunduura further noted that the new cargo area that is 300 by 400 meters in size will be able to enable heavier output in the cargo business of up to 100,000 metric tons of cargo every year and also host bigger cargo jets.
He further stated that the new automated system that will be placed in the check in area “will be faster checking 1,800 bags per hour compared to the old one that had run down, and could only manage 400 to 500 bags on the hour, thus easing passenger movement as they board.”
According to Mr Igunduura, the expansion also means that flight charges will be decreased at the airport with the expanded cargo terminal.

Mr. Maurice Kamugisha the CAA engineer overseeing the expansion stated that the new system has an x-ray installed which will throw back any bag for further checking once it detects any dangerous item.
“One of the reasons that charges become expensive is because you have less tons of cargo coming in and out, so with more cargo tons flowing in and out, charges will decrease” he said.
The first phase of the expansion that will have a larger airplane parking, bigger departure area and new cargo centre is expected to end in 2021.