Father remanded over defiling eight daughters  

A prison warder handcuffs Swaibu Mirundi, 44, as he appeared at Mpigi Magistrate's Court on charges of aggravated defilement on May 15, 2024.  PHOTO/ BRIAN ADAMS KESIIME

What you need to know:

  • The state told the court that between March 2021 and January 2024 in Butemba B Village, Kayambe Sub County, Mpigi District, Mirundi unlawfully performed sexual acts with his eight daughters aged between 17 and 22, well knowing that he is living with HIV. 

A 44-year-old man has been remanded to prison for allegedly defiling his eight daughters in Mpigi District.
Swaibu Mirundi, a traditional healer was on Wednesday arraigned before Mpigi Grade One Magistrate on eight charges of aggravated defilement.

He appeared before Grade One Magistrate, Jane Francise Nanvuma who did not allow him to plead to the charges.
“This court has no jurisdiction to hear this case being capital in nature,” she said.

She then remanded him to Kigo Prison.
“You are free to apply for bail, if you so wish, before the High Court which has the powers to try capital offenders,” she added before adjourning the court proceedings to May 21 for mention.

The state told the court that between March 2021 and January 2024 in Butemba B Village, Kayambe Sub County, Mpigi District, Mirundi unlawfully performed sexual acts with his eight daughters aged between 17 and 22, well knowing that he is living with HIV. 

If convicted, Mirundi faces life imprisonment or death. In a separate file, prosecution also alleges that in 2021, the Mirundi engaged in child trafficking in Najjera, Wakiso District.
Mirundi was arrested from his home on May 8, 2024, after he was reported by one of his daughters who escaped from the home where they lived with their father.

The victim reported the matter to the district probation officer who, together with police later intervened.
According to one of the victims aged 17, their father has been sleeping with them amid threats to kill them if they dared share the information with anyone.

They said the suspect never allowed them to leave their home and that they could only walk out while going to school.
"He[father ] started sleeping with me when I was in Primary Six and while in Primary Seven I got pregnant and he told me to abort but he continued sexually abusing me. One day when  I got a chance, I sneaked out of our home together with my sister and we went to the probation officer to seek help," One of the victims narrated her ordeal.

Mr Bruhan Kibalama, the Mpigi District probation officer, said when he received the information about the two girls, he took them to Golo Health Centre III  where they were  tested and found to be  HIV positive,” he said.