Gulu Archbishop arrives in Vatican to receive pallium 

The archbishop elect for Gulu archdiocese, His Grace Raphael Wokorach P'mony. Photo/Patrick Okaba.

Nebbi catholic diocese is excited as archbishop- elect for Gulu diocese, His Grace Raphael Wokorach P’mony arrived in Vatican to receive his Pallium.

According to news posted on catholic website on June 29,  the archbishop will receive his Pallium  (symbol of authority) from the pontiff during a  special mass  be presided  over by Pope Francis. The pallium  will allow him to be installed  as the archbishop of Gulu archdiocese.

Before he was appointed Archbishop of Gulu Diocese, Wokorach served as the Bishop of Nebbi diocese for about two years.

He will return to Nebbi diocese on July 11 and travel to Gulu to be  installed as Gulu archbishop on July 14. 

The parish priest of Nebbi catholic diocese, Mgr Jackson Osiga told Monitor that Christians are gearing up in big numbers to escort the archbishop elect to Gulu Diocese and to witness his installation.

“I know our Christians wanted  the  bishop to stay in the Nebbi diocese  but that was God’s call for the archbishop elect  Wokorach to lead in his new role as the archbishop of Gulu”, Osiga said.