How EC, security have prepared for Hoima LC5 by-election 

The chairperson of the Electoral Commission, Justice Simon Byabakama (centre) with other commissioners during a pre-polling meeting at Dwoli primary school in Hoima District on September 13, 2023. PHOTO | ALEX ASHABA

What you need to know:

  • Security has been bolstered, with the Albertine Region police commander, Mr Vincent Mwesigye, stating that they have enlisted the help of the army.

The Hoima LC5 by-election is set to take place today, with a total of 94,824 registered voters from the district's 14 lower administrative units.

This election will determine the district chairperson, with five candidates vying for the position that was left vacant following the tragic death of Kadiri Kirungi in a road accident on March 17.

Ms Merab Kasande, the Hoima District Returning Officer, has confirmed the readiness of the Electoral Commission (EC) for the polls.

“All polling materials were delivered to the district yesterday, and voting will commence from 7am to 4pm across 173 polling stations in the district. Additionally, observers from the African Electoral Alliance will monitor the voting process at all polling stations,” she said.

Security measures have been put in place to ensure a peaceful election. Ms Kasande mentioned that each polling station will have polling constables to oversee the election process.

Justice Simon Byabakama, the chairperson of the Electoral Commission, emphasised the importance of early voter turnout, especially considering the rainy season. He noted that original copies of the voters' registers have been provided to all candidates for each polling station.

To ensure a free and fair election, a complaints desk has been established at the tally center, headed by Deputy Chairperson of the EC, Hajjat Aisha Lubega. Observers have also been accredited to monitor the election.

Justice Byabakama warned against the use of numberless vehicles by security agencies, as this could raise suspicions and disrupt the process. He urged anyone who spots such vehicles to report them immediately to the complaints desk.

The Secretary to the Electoral Commission, Mr Leonard Mulekwah, revealed that they have received vehicles for transporting polling materials to all stations. They aim to start dispatching materials at 2am and expect all party agents to be present during the delivery process.

Security has been bolstered, with the Albertine Region police commander, Mr Vincent Mwesigye, stating that they have enlisted the help of the army.

“Each polling station will have two police constables, and additional security measures have been implemented at the parish and sub-county levels, including vehicle and motorcycle patrols,” He said.

The EC has established its tally center at Dwoli Primary School along the Hoima-Buliisa Road.

The campaign period, which lasted 12 days, concluded on Tuesday evening. The candidates in the race are Mr Patrick Musinguzi (Forum for Democratic Change), Mr Uthuman Mugisha Mubaraka (NRM), Mr Moses Aguuda (NUP), and Independent candidates Mr Vincent Muhumuza and Lenox Mugume.