Inside Museveni - Lango leaders meet

Eng Dr Michael Moses Odongo Okune, Lango paramount chief. PHOTO BY BILL OKETCH

What you need to know:

The Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development has already gazetted Eng. Dr. Michael Moses Odongo Okune as the Won Nyaci (paramount chief) of the Lango ethnic group. He will be installed as the new Won Nyaci (Paramount Chief) on November 2, 2024

President Yoweri Museveni met with hundreds of leaders from the Lango Sub-region on Friday to intervene in the Lango cultural leadership dispute. During this dialogue at State House, Entebbe, the Head of State offered clan leaders, or Owitong, who feel aggrieved by the results of the March 2024 paramount chief election, two options to settle their grievances.

The Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development has already gazetted Eng. Dr. Michael Moses Odongo Okune as the Won Nyaci (paramount chief) of the Lango ethnic group. He will be installed as the new Won Nyaci (Paramount Chief) on November 2, 2024. Dr. Okune was elected to this position on March 1, 2024, with 1,692 votes, defeating Dr. Dan Okello, former lecturer at Makerere University and Guna clan head, who received 139 votes. There were 27 invalid votes.

On June 14, Minister Betty Amongi Ongom directed the executive director of Uganda Printing and Publishing Corporation to gazette Dr. Okune's status as Lango cultural leader. This directive is in accordance with Section 6 of the Institution of Traditional or Cultural Leaders Act 2011, which states that "where a traditional or cultural leader has been declared to exist in any area of Uganda in accordance with the culture, customs, and traditions or wishes and aspirations of the people, the minister shall ensure the declaration is published in the Gazette."

Minister Amongi stated that after thorough scrutiny of the processes leading to the election of the Lango cultural leader, the ministry had no objection to having the leader gazetted. "Following the unanimous election of the new Won Nyaci of Lango Cultural Institution on March 1, 2024, I hereby authorize the publication in the Uganda Gazette, notifying the general public that Eng. Dr. Michael Moses Odongo Okune is hereby gazetted as Won Nyaci of Lango Cultural Institution, effective November 2, 2024," the minister said in the June 14 published notice.

However, on June 20, a group contesting Dr. Okune's victory wrote to the Inspector General of Police (IGP) requesting him to block the coronation of the new Lango cultural leader scheduled for November 2, alleging fraudulent election.

The matter caught the President's attention, and he invited the two warring parties to State House, Entebbe, on June 28, 2024. President Museveni sought to understand the underlying issues fueling hatred, propaganda, and falsehoods among the Lango tribe for almost a decade.

A source revealed that the President requested Minister Betty Amongi Ongom to elaborate on the recent developments, including the election that brought forth Dr. Okune. Minister Amongi eloquently explained the recent fiasco emanating from Mzee Yocam's abdication notice and the subsequent election. The Attorney General, Mr. Kiryowa Kiwanuka, who was closely consulted on every step before gazetting Eng. Dr. Odongo Okune as the Lango cultural leader, explained that Article 246 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda gives the council of Owitong in Lango powers over their leader and leadership, distancing the government from interfering in cultural institution matters.

When the platform was given for the two antagonistic parties to make their cases, Dr. Laury Ocen, a lecturer at Lira University and Awitong for Okarowok Wibye Acel clan, accused Minister Amongi of bias and favoring Eng. Dr. Odongo Okune. Dr. Ocen, also a little-known presidential advisor, claimed that there wasn't a proper procedure followed as per the Lango Cultural Foundation Constitution 2017, despite a competent court of law in Lira giving a green light to the said election.

Fortunately, His Excellency the President deciphered the lies and ignored Dr. Ocen, focusing on the issues, leading to the outcome that has now cemented the leadership of Eng. Dr. Odongo Okune.

Mr. Simon Peter Odoo, a retired magistrate, said the President succinctly concluded by saying there are two options: either the disgruntled party can revert to the majority Owitong with the help of religious leaders for an amicable settlement or, if that option fails, those not satisfied with the election results can seek legal recourse through court.