Kabakumba joins Parliament ‘torture chamber’

There is the saying that time flies but leaves its shadow behind. Who thought Bujenje MP, Ms Princess Kabakumba Matsiko Labwoni, the former minister for information, would accept to be a member of a “torture chamber”! Ms Kabakumba who at one time described Public Accounts Committee of Parliament chaired by Budadiri West MP Nathan Nandala Mafabi as torture chamber is now a member of the same committee.

As a minister, Ms Kabakumba caused a stir when she said: “It is the view of the government that there should be zero-tolerance for corruption but those of you who watch TV will realise there’s torture in that (PAC) committee.”

Her comments followed speculation that businessman Joseph Behakanira’s sudden death was caused by the grilling he was subjected to him by PAC over $1.3 billion he received under unclear circumstances reportedly to complete J&M Airport Hotel to accommodate the 2007 Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting guests.

As Ms Kabakumba grilled UNRA officials on Wednesday, a committee member who requested not to be named in order to speak freely reminded her that a medieval torture chamber was windowless and often built underground, lit by a few candles and was specifically designed to induce "horror, dread and despair" to anyone but those possessing a strong mind and "nerves of steel". She was told that, as such, and by all standards, PAC could not be described as a “torture chamber”.