Kasese bishops condemn school attack

The Bishop of South Rwenzori Diocese (Anglican) in Kasese District Rt. Rev. Nason Baluku. PHOTO/ MOUREEN BIIRA

What you need to know:

  • At least 37 students were hacked and burnt to death in the gruesome attack that left their school guard as well as four other community members killed.
  • According to Bishop Baluku, any person who takes part in such acts doesn't know or understand why God created man in his image. 

The Bishop of South Rwenzori Diocese (Anglican) in Kasese District Rt. Rev Nason Baluku, has condemned Friday's attack and killings of Mpondwe-Lhubiriha Secondary School students by suspected ADF rebels.
The school in Nyabugando, Mpondwe-Lhubiriha Town Council in Bukonzo County West was raided at around 11pm by suspected rebels.
At least 37 students were hacked and burnt to death in the gruesome attack that left their school guard as well as four other community members killed.
According to Bishop Baluku, any person who takes part in such acts doesn't know or understand why God created man in his image. 
"Surely, a person with all the senses well-functioning wakes up at night without fear, gets a panga and heads to a school to slaughter people's children whom he or she knows might be of use, not only to their families but the whole community? We first heard of them in Domena village in Congo and in a few hours they attacked a school here in Kasese,” he said.
He adds that, “That shows how they don't fear God the creator. And what surprises me, they also have Christian names indicating that they were baptized in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This shows how they don’t have love and yet the 10 Commandments of God command Love for each other." 
The cleric was preaching to the congregation at St. James Mughete Church of Uganda Parish in Kyarumba Archdeaconry, where he had gone to confirm 107 believers into the Anglican faith. 
"Let us love God, fear him and serve him with all our hearts. Some of these killers joined because of too much love for money. Please I have always asked you to work and feel content with what God gave you because too much love for anything sometimes might force you to do evil," Bishop Baluku adds. 
Rt. Rev Acquirinus Kibira, the Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Kasese who had gone to condole with the grieving people at the school said it’s the lack of a sense of humanity in the people that forces them to do such evil acts. 

 "A human being with a human thinking shall never have a thought to murder. Imagine they chopped these innocent souls as if they were cutting Christmas meat! They didn’t stop at that; I think they even first raped our girls before killing them. I wonder whether they were also born with humans or whether they have siblings because if they have siblings or parents they couldn't have done this. May God use that blood from the innocent souls to punish those heartless, ruthless, bloodthirsty goons," Bishop Kibira said.