Katosi scam: Senkeeto granted bail

Apollo Senkeeto, a businessman, who was convicted for corruption in the infamous Mukono-Katosi road construction saga. FILE PHOTO

What you need to know:

  • Looking back. Senkeeto was the country representative of Eutaw Construction Company, which is accused of fleecing Unra of Shs24.7b in the Katosi contract fiasco.
  • While sentencing him to 10 years, High Court judge Lawrence Gidudu described him as the main architect of the scam.

Kampala. Apollo Senkeeto, a businessman, who was convicted for corruption in the infamous Mukono-Katosi road construction saga, yesterday regained temporary freedom after the Court of Appeal released him on bail, pending the hearing of his appeal.
Senkeeto was released on a cash bail of Shs10m by Justice Cheborion Barishaki.
“In deciding whether or not to grant bail, pending appeal, court should, in addition to other considerations, determine whether the appellant (Senkeeto in this case), is likely to commit further offences. The applicant was convicted of the offence of theft, fraud and uttering false documents. These offences do not involve personal violence,” Justice Barishaki ruled.

“For the above reasons, I am satisfied that the applicant meets the conditions for grant of bail, pending appeal and I grant the same,” he added.
Under the bail terms, Senkeeto will report to the registrar of the court every month, deposit in court his passport and duplicate title deed for his land in Gombe.

His three sureties, Rev Canon Albert Samuel Senkeeto, Allan Kulumba and Ms Rose Nakibirige, were ordered to ensure Senkeeto attends court as and when he is required. Each surety was bonded at Shs20m (not cash).
In the submissions to support his bail application, Senkeeto argued that the hearing of his appeal was likely to delay, that he was pursuing further studies at African Bible University at Lubowa and suffers severe back problem that requires specialised medication that cannot be accessed in Luzira prison.

Justice Barishaki warned him that should he violate any of the bail terms, it would lead to automatic cancellation of his bail and he returns to Luzira prison.
Senkeeto was convicted by the Anti-Corruption Court in August last year for theft of Shs24.7b, obtaining money by false pretence, uttering false documents and conspiracy to defraud in the Mukono-Katosi road project scam.
He was convicted along with officials from the Uganda National Roads Authority (Unra).