Kenyan man sentenced to 31 months for cyber stalking Uganda’s DPP

Jared Oloo Akumu in the dock at Buganda Road Chief Magistrate’s Court on October 11, 2022. PHOTO/ ABUBAKER LUBOWA 

What you need to know:

  • During hearing of the case, the DPP who was the chief witness told court that between September 15, 2021 and November 2, 2021, while in unknown places, Akumu willfully and repeatedly used his email address [email protected] to harass the DPP by sending her threatening e-mails and attachments to her official email address.

A court in Kampala has sentenced a Kenyan national to two years and nine months in prison after he was found guilty of offensive communication and cyber stalking Uganda's Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP).
Jared Oloo Akumu, a resident of Nyangoma Division, Bondo District, Siaya County, Nyanza Province in Kenya, was on Tuesday sentenced to two years for cyberstalking Ms Jane Frances Abodo and nine months for offensive communication.
However, Buganda Road Court chief magistrate, Gladys Kamasanyu who presided over hearing of the case said Akumu who has been on remand for eight months will serve the two sentences co-currently. 
The magistrate further said she had taken into consideration the fact that Akumu is a first time offender and that he has been on remand for eight months.

As a result, he will serve 14 months for the first count and one month for the second offence.
“I also note that the convict has not been remorseful throughout the trial and hence a custodial sentence is appropriate to enable him change,” she said before adding that there is need to cab the offenses of offensive communication and cyber stalking said to be on the increase.
During hearing of the case, the DPP who was the chief witness told court that between September 15, 2021 and November 2, 2021, while in unknown places, Akumu willfully and repeatedly used his email address [email protected] to harass the DPP by sending her threatening e-mails and attachments to her official email address.

She said Akumu threatened to print out her photoS and pin them on bill-boards across East African countries for everybody, including her appointing authority, President Museveni to know that she is corrupt.
Akumu reportedly resorted to the threats following the theft of his vehicle and blamed the DPP for hiding his case file and subsequently denying him justice simply because of the advice she gave on the matter. 
Court records show that Justice Abodo reported the case at Central Police Station in Kampala before detectives arrested Akumu after he crossed into Uganda to follow up on his car case.