Kisumu governor condemns brutal arrest of FDC members in Kenya

The 36 FDC members who were arrested at a hotel in Kisumu appear in Nakawa chief magistrate court in Kampala on Monday. Photo/STEPHEN OTAGE

What you need to know:

Different media outlets in Kenya on Wednesday reported that the visibly angry Prof Anyang Nyong’o questioned the rationale behind the arrest from the Catholic Church-owned Ukweli Pastoral and Development Centre, Kisumu, and demanded immediate answers from the Kenyan and Ugandan police

The governor of Kisumu County has condemned the violent arrest of 36 Ugandans by security forces on the outskirts of Kisumu City and smuggling them back to Uganda.

Different media outlets in Kenya on Wednesday reported that the visibly angry Prof Anyang Nyong’o questioned the rationale behind the arrest from the Catholic Church-owned Ukweli Pastoral and Development Centre, Kisumu, and demanded immediate answers from the Kenyan and Ugandan police.

The 36 FDC party members were reportedly seized by security forces suspected to be from both Uganda and Kenya who broke into their hotel rooms and grabbed their phones, laptops, and other gadgets and hastily brought them back to Uganda.

The Standard newspaper reported that Prof Nyongó on Wednesday said it was wrong to brutally arrest people who had been officially cleared by immigration officials for legitimate activities. He wondered how the same people could have suddenly become terrorists after clearance by the immigration officials.

Prof Nyong’o said: “Although the County Government of Kisumu has no link with the politicians, we condemn in the strongest terms possible the Human Rights Violations meted out against them while within the Territory of Kisumu County.”

He said if the people were involved in subversive activities, the immigration officials would have had their records and would not have cleared them at the exit and entry points between Uganda and Kenya.

Prof Nyong’o tasked the police of Kenya and Uganda to explain the violent arrests and investigate the people and the motive behind the brutal arrests.

“As the governor of Kisumu where the incident happened, I challenge the Kenyan police to clarify if its officers were involved in the attack and hurriedly deported them while within the Territory of Kisumu County and the reason behind the attack,” Prof Nyong’o, who the Kenyan media outlets said looked visibly angry, demanded. Prof Nyongó also challenged the Ugandan authorities to explain to the world the nature of crimes committed by the 36 politicians, who had reportedly travelled for leadership training in Kisumu.

Charges and remand

Earlier, Mr Kituuma Rusoke, the police spokesperson, had said: “These persons were engaged with covert activities that are suspected to be subversive, drawing the attention of Kenyan security forces. We are collaborating closely with our Kenyan counterparts to thoroughly investigate this matter.”

 The 36 were on Monday charged with terrorism-related offences at the Nakawa Chief Magistrate’s Court and the 32 male suspects sent to Kitalya Prisons while the four female suspects were remanded to Luzira Maximum Security Prisons.

They were not allowed to plead to the charges since terrorism is a capital offence that is tried in a higher court. They were remanded to Luzira Prison until August 13.

Their lawyer, Mr Erias Lukwago, called the charges “ridiculous.”

But Mr Harold Kaija, the Katonga-based FDC faction interim secretary general, yesterday denied the claims and said the arrests and subsequent charges of terrorism preferred against the suspects show a dying regime trying to go down with everyone.

He said the team was invited to Kenya by a non-governmental organisation for leadership training for the younger party members.

Mr Kaija said following the closure of the Democratic Governance Facility in Uganda, the majority of the NGOs that used to work with political parties in Uganda ceased operations, except those in Kenya who were still engaging political groups, including those from Uganda. He said he could not say off cuff the name of the NGO that convened the Kisumu meeting

“Among those arrested are young lawyers, a doctor, and other people who are all very useful to this country. How could people who were invited for a legitimate activity and cleared to travel suddenly become terrorists?” Mr Kaija questioned.

Mr Kaija said a team of lawyers is already working round the clock to ensure the suspects regain their freedom and the charges slapped against dropped.