MP Mapenduzi signs MoU with NRM, rules out relations with NUP

Martin Ojara Mapenduzi the House Committee on Public Service and Local Government chairperson. Photo | David Lubowa

What you need to know:

  • Mr Mapenduzi revealed that despite his earlier appointment by the opposition National Unity Platform (NUP) as the chairperson of the Public Accounts Committee (PAC), he has no relations with the party

The Bardege-Layibi Division Member of Parliament, Martin Ojara Mapenduzi, has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the ruling National Resistance Movement (NRM) party following his appointment as the new chairperson of Parliament’s Committee on Public Services and Local Government.

During the brief ceremony held at the NRM secretariat in Nakaero, Kampala on Thursday, Mr Mapenduzi revealed that despite his earlier appointment by the opposition National Unity Platform (NUP) as the chairperson of the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) and Local Government, he has no relations with the party.

 “In 2021, I got nominated by NUP to serve as chair [for] Public Accounts Committee and Local Government and this was a surprise to me because in Gulu during the campaign, NUP had a candidate who aggressively campaigned,” Mr Mapenduzi said.

“So, I had no idea nor relation with NUP and after nomination, I met the leadership of NUP, and my first question was, how would I be appointed? Because I am not a member of NUP, I have never had any relationship with them, not even attending any of their functions,” he added.

Mr Mapenduzi who resigned from that position on May 19, further noted that the explanation from the former appointing authority revealed that his nomination was based on merit as well as his enormous experience in the local government matters, a level he had served for the last 15 years.

In Mapenduzi’s maiden press briefing together with the government chief whip, Hamson Obua and NRM secretary general, Mr Richard Todwong, he revealed that it is his right to associate with any political party for the good of serving the people of Uganda.

MP Martin Ojara Mapenduzi (C) with government chief whip, Hamson Obua (L) and NRM secretary general, Mr Richard Todwong during the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding on Thursday. Photo | David Lubowa

“I am happy that I have signed [MoU with NRM], although I came to Parliament as an Independent, I have no hesitation in expressing how happy I am, now that we have signed this document,” he said.

He added: “I hope many others will do the same because it is about our country, you can belong to NRM or any other party but it has no harm talking to one another, especially on issues affecting our country.”

Mapenduzi’s new assignment has since stirred up debate in parliament, particularly among opposition members who were left wondering why the legislator had shifted his allegiance to the ruling party all of a sudden. The same legislator shocked the opposition side in February last year when he moved a motion to remove Francis Zaake [Mityana Municipality MP] from the parliamentary commission for allegedly insulting Ms Among on social media.

Chairing the plenary on Monday, Speaker Anita Among alluded that since Mapenduzi joined Parliament as an Independent candidate, he had a right to switch sides at his wish.

While unveiling the NRM’s new partner, the government Chief Whip, Mr Hamson Obua emphasised that the lawmaker continues to be Independent despite the new association agreement with the NRM party.

“Mr Mapenduzi does not belong to NRM but he is here to formalise his association with NRM since he has a right under the constitution of Uganda to associate with any political party of his choice,” he said.

Equally, the NRM secretary general, Mr Richard Todwong said: “I congratulate you and do appreciate the step you have taken. This shows that leaders are trying to appreciate the purpose of unity and we encourage all other leaders to embrace this generational call.”

Among others, Mr Mapenduzi will now be free to attend the NRM caucus meetings and retreats. On Monday, the Opposition Chief Whip, Mr John Baptist Nambeshe named Kilak South MP, Mr Gilbert Olanya as the new chairperson of PAC and local government.