MP Mwijukye injured in church land fight, blames police

Buhweju MP Francis Mwijukye after he was injured in an attack by stick-wielding goons in a land dispute involving church. PHOTO/ COURTESY 

What you need to know:

  • Mr Marcial Tumusiime, the police spokesperson for Greater Bushenyi region said they are still investigating the case with the aim of arresting the suspects.

Buhweju MP Francis Mwijukye has accused security operatives in his constituency of laxity after he was attacked and injured in a land dispute involving a church.

Mr Mwijukye was on Sunday attacked by stick-wielding assailants shortly after attending mass at Rwanayamabare Catholic church in Nyakishana Sub County in Buhweju West constituency, Buhweju District. The MP and several other members of the congregation were hospitalized with serious injuries following the attack.

Photos of the MP bleeding from the head were widely shared on different social media platforms on Sunday evening and the better part of Monday morning with many netizens expressing concern for the legislator. 

Mr Mwijukye told this publication on Monday that he was attacked by about 16 suspected goons hired from Kampala by one of the residents involved in a land wrangle with Rwanyamabare church.
“I had gone to attend a service at Rwanyamabare Catholic Church on the invitation of Christians but also as a member of Butare Catholic parish council, they wanted me to intervene in a land wrangle they were having with one of their neighbors”, he explained
According to him, his assailants had reportedly camped in the area for days.

“These goons were hired from Kampala, they have been here for some time, and they are kept in one of the rooms in the area, why couldn’t security detect them? I blame security for the laxity in protecting Ugandans,” MP Mwijukye said in a phone interview with this publication.
The district chairperson, Mr Deo Atuhaire also said security must explain how the suspected assailants stayed in the area for days without being detected.

“The police and security must explain how these kanyamas have been staying in this place without their knowledge, commit crimes, and even are not arrested by now. This is the second such attack. The first incident was in Kibarya, Nyakitoko where private security guards who were protecting a contested land chased and wanted to shoot another MP,” he said.

He said the district has to convene a security meeting and address the security laxity.
When contacted, the Resident District Commissioner who is also the district head of security, Mr Nicholas Nuwagira said police were investigating the case.
“The police is the one handling everything,” he said.     
Mr Marcial Tumusiime, the police spokesperson for Greater Bushenyi region said they are still investigating the case to arrest the suspects.

“I am not aware that the attackers had camped in the area for some time. However, we have started our investigations into the matter. The police is aware of this particular land conflict and the matter is being handled by the district security committee,” said Mr Tumusiime before adding that no suspect has been arrested so far.
Mr Mwijukye was admitted at Divine Mercy Hospital in Mbarara City after the attack while the other victims were rushed to Nsiika Health centre IV for medical attention.