Mpuuga vows to fight on after homecoming event

Nyendo-Mukungwe Member of Parliament, Mathias Mpuuga arrives at Kitovu Sports Arena in Masaka for his Thanksgiving Mass on June 21, 2024. PHOTO/DAVID LUBOWA

What you need to know:

  • All NUP top leaders, including those in Masaka City led by Mayor Florence Namayanja, were conspicuously absent despite the organisers insisting that they were officially invited.

Embattled Nyendo-Mukungwe lawmaker and the former Leader of Opposition in Parliament, Mr Mathias Mpuuga, used a homecoming event at Kitovu Sports Arena in Masaka City on Friday to reiterate his plans to not quit the National Unity Platform (NUP).

“Many people are eager to hear my proclamation today. Some think I want to become NUP president, others think I am forming a new political party, or planning to contest for presidency in 2026,” Mr Mpuuga, the suspended NUP vice president for Buganda Region, said.

He added: “I have capacity of serving in all those capacities, but I will spend most of my time mobilising all Ugandans who need change and nurturing young people. I am a bit tough and this time round no one is going to malign me and just walk away. I will defend my name at all costs.”

Mr Mpuuga, one of four backbench commissioners in Parliament, currently stands accused by his party of corruption. The dispute arose from a Shs500m service award that has since precipitated a censure motion process. 

“What I have gone through has taught me many lessons, and, starting today, I will first look at what people do; not what they say before deciding to work with them,” he said.

Mr Charles Peter Mayiga, the Buganda Kingdom Katikkiro (prime minister), was expected as chief guest as well as Rev Paul Ssemogerere, the Archbishop of Kampala Archdiocese, who was lined up as the main celebrant. Both didn’t attend. They, however, sent emissaries. 

In his message delivered by Second Deputy Katikkiro Robert Waggwa Nsibirwa, Mr Mayiga hailed Mr Mpuuga for offering leadership that has focused on promoting the wellbeing of Ugandans.

Katikkiro Mayiga also condemned the current trend of politics that involves mudslinging fellow politicians with divergent views.

Mr Merdard Ssegoona, the Busiro East lawmaker, defended Mr Mpuuga for taking the Shs500m service award, saying those who term it as an act of corruption are ignorant about how Parliament operates.

“The money they are commenting about passed through the right procedures of Parliament,” he said, adding: “It is not too late to reconcile and I am confident that very soon we shall resolve our differences and move on.”  

Mgr John Baptist Sebayigga, the Vicar General Kampala Archdiocese, who led the Mass, urged all leaders to exhibit love and togetherness in whatever they do.

“People are highly burdened by challenges like heavy taxes, among others, which requires a unified voice of leaders to improve the living standards of all Ugandans,” he noted.

Mr Solomon Silwany, a Parliamentary Commissioner, who like Mr Mpuuga is in the crosshairs of a censure motion, said: “The same budget where they drew money for buying cars for former Speakers and other leaders is the same budget where the service award money was got. How can that become corruption?”

All NUP top leaders, including those in Masaka City led by Mayor Florence Namayanja, were conspicuously absent despite the organisers insisting that they were officially invited.

Mr Mpuuga, who had been absent from public view for nearly a month, arrived in Masaka on Thursday evening. He was greeted by a group of enthusiastic supporters in Lukaya, the gateway to Masaka City. 

However, he faced dissent from a group of youth in his own constituency, who shouted: “Mpuuga go away, we don’t need you here.”

I can be Uganda's president, says Mpuuga

MPs who attended

The NUP legislators who attended the ceremony included: Abed Bwanika (Kimaanya-Kabonera), Juliet Kakande (Masaka City Woman Representative), Joyce Bagala (Mityana District Woman Representative), Ssegoona, Mr Michael Kakembo (Entebbe Municipality) and Twaha Kagabo (Bukoto South).

Other non-NUP lawmakers in attendance were Prossy Akampulira (Rubanda District Woman), Ms Esther Afoyochan (Zombo District Woman), Asuman Basalirwa (Bugiri Municipality),  Iddi Isabirye (Bunya County South ), Bumaali Mpindi (PWDs) and Herbert Edmond Ariko (Soroti City East).