Museveni, King Mswati want common market

President Museveni receives King Ms wati III of Eswatini at Entebbe International Airport on August 14, 2024. PHOTO/ PPU

What you need to know:

  • The visit highlights the ongoing efforts to strengthen bilateral ties and promote economic and cultural cooperation across Africa.

President Museveni and First Lady Janet Museveni, yesterday received King Mswati III of Eswatini at Entebbe airport. The king, accompanied by Queen Inkhosikati Make Lamashwama and a high-level delegation, is in Uganda for a three-day state visit at the invitation of Mr Museveni.

The visit focuses on strengthening bilateral cooperation between Uganda and Eswatini. 

During discussions at State House Entebbe, Mr Museveni emphasised the importance of African unity and economic collaboration, drawing from his experience as a student activist, liberation leader, and head of State.

“If Africans want prosperity, it comes from producing goods or services and selling them,” President Museveni stated, highlighting the need for larger, integrated markets across the continent to maximise economic benefits. 

He warned that the fragmentation of African markets is detrimental.

“I always tell my Ugandans here that if you want to be like Latin America, you are welcome because if you look at them, despite their wealth in natural resources, they still run to the USA for prosperity to get medical care, education, and other benefits,” he said. 

Mr Museveni urged African nations to collaborate on capital-intensive projects, citing Uganda’s petroleum sector. 

The President lauded the East African Community (EAC)’s progress in rebuilding and expanding to include eight member states, addressing both economic and political integration.

He also called for a political federation in East Africa to establish a strong military defence for the continent. “Africa must have the capacity to defend itself from all threats,” he said.

King Mswati III echoed the call for enhanced cooperation among African nations, emphasising unity in driving the continent’s development. 

He expressed gratitude for the warm reception in Uganda and highlighted the longstanding relationship between Uganda and Eswatini.

“Your Excellency, I convey greetings from the Queen Mother, the government, and the people of Eswatini, and I wish to inform you that we are ready to strengthen ties between the two nations,” the king stated.

He stressed that African countries must work together to achieve progress in key areas such as poverty alleviation, job creation, education, and technological advancement.

“If we work together, there is much we can achieve. But if one country moves on its own, it cannot go far,” he said.

King Mswati III pointed out that Africa possesses abundant natural resources, yet the continent has struggled to produce efficiently due to the exploitation of these resources by foreign entities.

He advocated for African nations to share expertise and technology, citing Uganda’s achievements in areas such as crude oil development.

He proposed the organisation of cultural festivals to showcase culture and attract tourists from around the world.

“We should promote our unique cultures, which are similar in many ways to support tourism and strengthen our bonds,” he added.

The king also called for the opening of direct flight routes between Eswatini and Uganda to boost tourism and cargo trade.

He reiterated his country’s willingness to cooperate with Uganda in various sectors, including the export and assembly of electric cars.

Uganda and Eswatini signed a Memorandum of Understanding to further solidify their relationship. The agreement was signed by Uganda’s Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Oryem Henry Okello, and Eswatini’s Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Senator Pholile Shakantu. 

The two countries’ agriculture ministers also discussed enhancing cooperation in the agricultural sector.

 King Mswati III extended an invitation to President Museveni for a State Visit to Eswatini, emphasising the importance of continued collaboration between the two nations. 

About eswatini

Eswatini, officially the Kingdom of Eswatini and also known by its former official name Swaziland and formerly the Kingdom of Swaziland, is a landlocked country in Southern Africa. It is bordered by Mozambique to

its northeast and South Africa to its north, west, south, and southeast.