Muslims want govt to recognise Mbogo’s legacy

Late Nuhu Mbogo Kyabasinga. PHOTO/FILE

What you need to know:

  • It is now 11 years since Muslims started converging at Kibuli Mosque to commemorate Prince Mbogo’s works.

Muslims from all parts of the country who gathered at Kibuli Mosque at the weekend have asked government to recognise the legacy of Late Nuhu Mbogo Kyabasinga for reviving Islam in Uganda.

Muslims gathered at Kibuli Mosque to celebrate 129 years since late Mbogo returned from exile in Zanzibar to promote their faith.

It is now 11 years since Muslims started converging at Kibuli Mosque to commemorate Prince Mbogo’s works.

Speaking to the gathering, Kibuli based Supreme Mufti, Sheikh Muhammad Galabuzi, said it is a high time the government recognises the day.

“According to Mbogo’s contribution to the growth of Islam and the country at large, the government should gazette the Nuhu Mbogo Day as a public holiday,” he said.

Sheikh Galabuzi tasked the MPs who attended the event to spearhead the call for a dedicated public holiday.

“We need to promote and protect the contribution of late Mbogo like the way people celebrate Archbishop Janani Luwum Day,’’ he said.

Luwum who served as the Archbishop of the Church of Uganda from 1974 until his mysterious death in 1977 is celebrated on February 16 every year.

Mbogo on the other hand was the leader of Muslims at the time British imperialists imposed colonial rule over Uganda in 1880s. He was forced to go in exile where he spent years, but later in 1895, he came back to Buganda and assumed his role as the leader of Muslims.

Prince Kassim Nakibinge, who was the main celebrant, said: “Sheikh Mbogo’s return contributed a lot to Uganda because he spread Islam.’’

Sheikh Yusuf Balinda from northern Uganda said the privileged position Mbogo had as a member of Buganda Kingdom’s royal family helped him to influence a number of policies that contributed to the growth of Islam.

“Muslims should not forget that some of the rights we are enjoying as Muslim community are because of the sacrifices of Prince Nuhu Mbogo,” he said.

Bugiri Municipality MP Asuman Basalirwa, who is also the chairperson of the Muslim Parliamentary Caucus, hailed Prince Nakibinge Kakungulu for protecting the legacy of his grandfather, Prince Mbogo.

“We appreciate the work done by the titular head of Muslim community, Prince Nakibinge, for ensuring Muslims celebrate the development of their religion,” he said.

He also revealed that he is among the   beneficiaries of Prince Mbogo. “When I finished my Law degree at Makerere University, I had no funds to join Law Development Centre [LDC] for a diploma in legal practice but the Royal family supported me,’’ he said.