Mysterious person attempts to poison Bunyoro King

What you need to know:

Police say it was revealed that the king has for long  had  misunderstandings with his queen Margaret Karungi, saying the misunderstandings created two cliques; one pro the king and another siding with the queen (his wife) that could be behind the alleged poisoning attempts.

KAMPALA- Police in the Albertine region is investigating circumstances under which an unidentified person allegedly attempted to poison the King of Bunyoro, Solomon Gafabusa Iguru I.

While speaking to journalists on Monday at the police headquarters in Naguru, Force spokesman Fred Enanga said police in Hoima received a complaint that an unknown person sneaked into the kitchen of the king in Hoima town on the night of February 9.

“We received information that an unidentified person sneaked into the kitchen of the king of Bunyoro and switched off the lights at around 10 p.m.  It is said that the incident happened when the king’s chef had gone to the store to collect charcoal,” Mr Enanga said.

However, the case was not immediately reported as the chef kept the information to himself until February 15 when he informed the king’s Principal Private Secretary, Mr Jonan Atuhura about the incident.

“The chef decided to keep the two flasks and two sachets of rat poison that he found in the kitchen at the time of the said incident,” Mr Enanga said.

“It is the PPS that reported the matter to the king who reported it to Mr David Isingoma, the District Police Commander, Hoima,” Mr Enanga said.

Police say it was revealed that the king has for long  had  misunderstandings with his queen Margaret Karungi, saying the misunderstandings created two cliques; one pro the king and another siding with the queen (his wife) that could be behind the alleged poisoning attempts.

Mr Enanga yesterday said that the king recently dismissed one of the guards, SPC Bosco Businge over alleged queer conduct, saying the guard would escort the queen to unknown places at night. However, the queen is reported to have vowed to return the guard.

Mr Enanga said Police opened inquiries and recorded statements from relevant people regarding the alleged poisoning attempt.

Police also encouraged kingdom officials to the change the royal guards as they are reported to have taken sides in the cliques within the palace.

Calls to kingdom officials for comment went unanswered yesterday.