Nakasongola man implicated in grandmother's murder

A 36-year old man in Nakasongola District is under police custody after the murder of a 76-year old woman identified as Elena Namulondo at Kyakabombo village on Friday June 28.

The suspect and a grandchild of Namulondo (deceased) on June 28 survived a mob lynch shortly after the police sniffer dog led police detectives to his house where a blood stained hand hoe was recovered shortly after the murder incident at Kyakabombo village in Kalongo Subcounty.

Mr Johnson Wandera, the LC1 Chairperson at Kyakabombo village in a brief interview with the Monitor on  June 29 said the 76-year old who has been living with two grandchildren at her home was attacked shortly after the two children left home on different assignments.

“The old woman was attacked and abandoned in a pool of blood. She was rushed to hospital but died a few minutes later. Unfortunately a grandchild earlier suspected to be behind the attack survived the wrath of the residents when a police sniffer dog led the police detectives to his house where a blood stained hand hoe was recovered,” he said.

Savana Region Police Spokesperson, Mr Sam Twineamazima in a statement issued on June 29 revealed that the incident that occurred at about 9:00am at Kyakabombo village was first reported to police by the village LC1 Chairperson, Mr Johnson Wandera.

“The police investigation team introduced the canine that led to the recovery of a blood stained hand hoe and a suspect who is already at Nakasongola Police Station,” he said.

Police preliminary investigations reveal that before the attack, the deceased 76-year old had sent one of her grandchildren to buy tomatoes at a nearby roadside stall while the other child had gone to pick mangoes, a few meters away from the home when the old woman was attacked.

A section of residents and area leaders claim that the suspect earlier sold his share of land given to him by the deceased before relocating to Kamira Subcounty in Luweero District. He later returned to the deceased’s home after misusing the money and has reportedly been demanding for another share of land from the old woman.

Mr Sunday Rogers Bwanga, the District Councilor representing Kalongo Subcounty who also doubles as the Nakasongola District Council Speaker on Saturday revealed that the suspect survived lynching by angry residents that already know the history of the family and the behavior of the grandchild.

“It is surprising that the suspect also responded to the distress call for help made by the children that found their grandmother fighting for life after the attack. When the sniffer dog led detectives to his home and a blood stained hoe was recovered, the residents wanted to deal with him directly because they know his behavior,” he said.

Bwanga adds that while the police investigation team does its work to get to the possible motive of the murder and possibly the accomplices in the criminal act, cases of laziness and people that want to forcefully eliminate their own parents and guardians because of greed for property are increasing in Nakasongola District.

“We need to find means of sensitizing our youth about the need to work hard as individuals. There is no law that demands that a parent forcefully shares his or her property with children against his will. Some lazy children now look to the property of their parents and guardians for quick wealth,” he says.