NRM is my religion, says Ssabanyala

Ssabanyala Baker Kimeze greets his subjects at a function at Bbaale County headquarters in Kayunga District in 2016. PHOTO | FRED MUZAALE

The Ssabanyala, Maj Baker Kimeze, has said that the ruling National Resistance Movement (NRM) party is his religion and would fight for it to stay in power.

Speaking on Sunday at his palace in Kyerima village, Wabwoko Sub County, during a memorial service for his late father, Nathan Mpagi who was the first Ssabanyala, the Banyala cultural leader said although the Constitution bars cultural leaders from engaging in partisan politics, he would not abide by that provision. 

"NRM is now my religion and I am not shy to openly express my support for it," the Ssabanyala noted.

He said since his late father Mpagi was among those that brought MRM into power, he cannot desert it.

"NRM is in our blood and those who think that I can shy away from supporting it are day dreaming," he emphasised.

President Museveni and the late Mpagi were friends as the latter provided food to the then National Resistance Army (NRA) fighters in Luweero.

The Ssabanyala disclosed that NRM would reclaim Bbaale parliamentary seat, which was ‘snatched’ from them by National Unity Platform (NUP)’s Charles Tebandeke.

The Ssabanyala also urged his subjects to revive coffee growing to increase their household incomes. 

He also hailed state minister for finance Amos Lugoloobi, who attended the function for spearheading development in the district and asked residents to shun opposition parties in the next election.

Mr Lugoloobi in his remarks asked the Ssabanyala to mobilise his subjects to engage in productive work such as agriculture, to fight poverty in their homes.