Panic over fresh validation of civil servants in Mbale

What you need to know:

  • The exercise, which is being conducted by City Service Commission (CSC), started last Monday and is scheduled to last for two weeks.

The ongoing fresh validation of civil servants in Mbale City has thrown a section of employees without required academic papers into a panic.

The exercise, which is being conducted by City Service Commission (CSC), started last Monday and is scheduled to last for two weeks.

It involves conducting fresh interviews.

Some of the employees with questionable qualifications have since abandoned their offices since the exercise started.

Sources, who spoke to the Monitor, said out of about 200 employees at the council, about 10 percent lack the requisite academic papers.

“They were recruited illegally and are worried that the validation exercise might kick them out,” a source, who preferred anonymity to speak freely due to the sensitivity of the matter, said.

This publication has also learnt that some of the employees are planning to go to court to request that the exercise be blocked, claiming it is illegal.

 However, the Mbale City Clerk, Mr Ambrose Ocen, said all cities have been restructured, adding that validation exercise is legal.

“We have a new structure which has been developed and all our civil servants who have papers and experience, we will move with them but those who don’t qualify will have to create space for those who meet the requirements,” Mr Ocen said.

Mr Ocen urged the civil servants, who have threatened to go to court to shelve the idea and follow the right procedures.

“When you have your genuine papers, bring and present them before the city service commission,” he said, adding that the exercise is free and fair.

The Mbale Industrial City Division speaker, Mr Musa Kasajja, said the exercise will rid the council of unqualified workers.

“We will have competent civil servants and this will promote service delivery since there will be behaviour change,” Mr Kasajja said.

Mr Steven Masiga, the director of Makerere University Mbale campus, said the issue of subjecting civil servants to interviews is in order.

 “Resubmission of applications for jobs including competition for jobs is very healthy and I would encourage the applicants to have their papers properly certified by awarding institutions in order to curb any forgeries,” Mr Masiga said.

The Mbale City Council spokesperson, Mr James Kutosi, said after the exercise some of the employees will be promoted, others retained and others laid off.

 “I am also among the employees to be interviewed and I am ready for the interviews,” Mr Kutosi answered when asked if he will be validated.

Some of the staff, who talked to this reporter on condition of anonymity, said they are happy with the process because it is fair and gives everyone an opportunity to grow in the service.

They added that some of their bosses have been holding positions illegally because they don’t have the required academic papers.


In February, Mr Justinian Niwagaba, the commissioner for urban administration in the Ministry of Local Government, said validation is aimed at streamlining and operationalising the structures of the new cities.

“After validation of existing staff in most appropriate positions through promotions, redeployment or through retention of the same level, then jobs will be advertised,” he said.