Police chief jailed 25 years for Shs50m theft

Aggravated robbery convict Sgt Herbert Ahisibwe into the dock at Kabale high court on July 26, 2024. PHOTO/ROBERT MUHEREZA.

What you need to know:

  • Court also ordered the convict to refund Shs50million stolen from the victim. 

A 40-year old police detective has been sentenced to a 25-year imprisonment for aggravated robbery, contrary to the Ugandan law.

On Friday, Kabale High court judge Samuel Emokor sentenced Sergeant Herbert Ahisibwe alias Kyabona after prosecution led by Julie Najjunju proved the case against him.

State prosecution told court that during the night of November 26, 2020 while at Muhabura View Guest house in Bunagana Town Council in Kisoro District, the convict with others still at large, robbed Provia Kadusabe of her Shs50million.

During the incident, Ahisibwe and the fugitives caused grievous harm on Kadusabe by use of sedative substance.

Prosecution therefore urged a deterrence ruling against the policeman who according to court documents is a resident of Huumya Village/Parish in Bukwanga Sub-county, Bundibugyo District.

Through his lawyers, Ahisibwe who served in police for 14-years, pleaded for a lenient sentence saying he is a father of 6 children that require his care.

But the Justice Emokor said: “The action of the convict should not be taken lightly since he is not a common robber one can encounter from time to time. It is very ironic that a well-trained and skilled police detective sergeant that took oath to protect life and property besides preventing crime, used the skills to advance criminality. This is a bad apple that must be rooted out of the police force.”

“Taking into consideration of all the factors in this case, I hereby sentence the accused person to 25 years imprisonment minus the three years, 7 months and 10 days spent on remand and this means that he will serve 21 years 4-months and 21 days imprisonment,” Justice Emokor ruled.

Although he explained the right of appeal for the convict, he issued an order that Ahisibwe must also refund Shs50million to the victim.