PPDA clears Koboko-Moyo roadworks

A section of Koboko-Yumbe-Moyo road that is in poor state. Photo by Felix Warom Okello

What you need to know:

In a   December 1, 2023 letter, a whistleblower petitioned the executive director of PPDA to investigate ‘‘high-level irregularities, impunity and corruption exhibited in the procurement of Koboko-Yumbe-Moyo road construction project’’.

The Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Assets Authority (PPDA) has cleared the upgrading of 103km of Koboko-Yumbe-Moyo Road to bitumen standard after concluding its probe on alleged graft. 

 In a   December 1, 2023 letter, a whistleblower petitioned the executive director of PPDA to investigate ‘‘high-level irregularities, impunity and corruption exhibited in the procurement of Koboko-Yumbe-Moyo road construction project’’.

 “As per the procurement procedure in Uganda, usually the lowest bidder is awarded the contract after the financial bid opening as long as he has passed the technical evaluation. However, it was alarming to everyone within the entity when on  June 30, 2023, the UNRA (Uganda National Roads Authority) evaluation committee prematurely dropped the lowest bidder and submitted a report to World Bank Uganda recommending the second lowest bidder,” the petition read in part.

 The whistleblower urged the PPDA to institute an administrative review before the contract is awarded.

 In a December 13, 2023 letter, the executive director of PPDA, Mr Patrick Kyakulaga, told the accounting officer at UNRA that the evaluation committee correctly eliminated China Communications Construction Company for admission of an abnormally low bid and its failure to justify its underpriced rates.

 “In light of the above, the authority with the evaluation committee report prepared by the evaluation committee dated July 27, 2023 recommended Chongqin International Construction Company for the award of contract at a price of Shs368,798, 180. The recommendation of the award of contract in the aforementioned report should be upheld and implemented,” Mr Kyakulaga’s letter reads in part.

 However, Mr Habib Jogoo, the National Unity Platform, mobiliser for northern Uganda, said the corruption culprits in the procurement scandal should be apprehended. 

The communications officer at UNRA, Mr Allan Ssempebwa, told Daily Monitor on Wednesday that they want the ongoing procurement process to be concluded to determine when the contractor will be on the ground.

 “We are expediting the process with different partners to ensure this project starts as soon as possible because we are already on the ground. Land acquisition is ongoing meaning the project is just around the corner,” Mr Ssempebwa said.

 On September 10, 2020, the World Bank directors approved a grant of $130.8 million (about Shs495 billion) from the International Development Association to ease the movement of goods and people and improve access to social services and job opportunities in Koboko, Yumbe and Moyo, which are refugee hosting districts in West Nile Sub-region. 

 The road that links the three districts to the South Sudan border has been in a sorry state for decades. During the rainy season, the road is impassable and travellers complain about the dust during the dry season.

About project

On September 10, 2020, the World Bank directors approved a grant of $130.8 million (Shs 496 billion) to ease the movement of goods and people in Koboko, Yumbe and Moyo districts, which host refugees.  The works include general grading of a 103km road connecting the three districts, drainage and earthworks, among others.