Ssemujju upbeat about new political party

MP Ibrahim Ssemujju Nganda.

Following consultations with different stakeholders across the country, the Katonga faction of the Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) has made clear its intentions to start a new political party. 
The finer details of the new political vehicle will, said Kira Municipality lawmaker Ibrahim Ssemujju Nganda, be announced on August 19.

“The name of the party will be decided by the leaders of the party, and before deciding we, the leaders, will have to first share the option with the members of this party to give us their option as well, and if they also bring in a name which will be better than ours we will take it,” Mr Ssemujju said.

Mr Ssemujju, who has since 2016 been elected to the House under the FDC political party banner, said that the new political vehicle is not intended to fight other players in what he called as a “struggle”.

“The formation of this group is not to fight other Opposition political parties,” he clarified, adding, “For the case of Najjanankumbi [the seat of FDC], we are not fighting them at the moment…but if they still want to fight us they can continue.”

Mr Ssemujju noted that the “common cause…Opposition parties are to fight Mr Museveni; not to fight each other.” That notwithstanding, he added, it is healthy for Opposition parties to have different ideologies. 
“There are those who will prefer federal, republican, and some may want to reduce districts in Uganda, and maybe those who will want to wear                                         different colours,” he said.   

According to Mr Ssemujju, the delegate conference for the new political party is slated for August 19 at their yet-to-be disclosed headquarters. 
Mr Francis Mwijukye, the Buhweju constituency lawmaker who will be part of the delegates’ conference said, “The aim of forming this political party is to fight abuse of human rights and dictatorship in Uganda.”