The hypocrites should leave Judith Babirye alone

Paul Kirya Mukalere

What you need to know:

  • Therefore, leave Babirye alone unless it is well intended. This treatment of the artiste must have left many women wondering where they can run to for peace, quiet, comfort and belonging. When they try and do something different they are judged from one end to the other by a patriarchal society. We all need forgiveness from God for things we have done wrong. He has never condemned us.

I often read about personalities and the criticism levelled against them for mistakes and decisions they have made in life. Judith Babirye is the current personality facing such and is now the topic in town.
Her critics have crowned themselves either worthy of morality or without imperfections. None of them has taken the time to actually listen to Babirye. They have heard her story but have not really listened to her.

These people have made a mockery of Babirye for her desire to express her once chained emotions by settling down with a love partner of her choice. This is a man she feels appreciates her as a human being and does not treat like an animal that is caged, belittled and beaten.
Babirye's crime is that she is in love and is a woman. If not, tell me why Bishop Kiganda was spared when he took on another wife after a failing marriage. Where were the clergy to advise Kiganda to go back to his ex and try to live harmoniously again? We live in such a patriarchal society.

Men in white robes, the clergy, pastors, lawyers, self-appointed activists and idle talkers have stormed out to attack a helpless woman, a victim of domestic violence, a woman God handpicked when she was teary, helpless, unnoticed, and decided to show love, mercy and good counsel.
The “saints” of this world have labelled her anticipated marriage fake and she, an adulterous woman instead of helping her. Lawyers have bored us with the process of divorce, yet for Christians, divorce or no divorce, going with another man other than that who was your husband is still adultery.

I am a lawyer; however I am not a positivist. I apply the human face to the law.
For Christians like myself, we know very well what Jesus Christ told the self-proclaimed “saints” (the Pharisees) at the time, when they brought before him a woman they judged to be adulterous, for condemnation and sentencing.
Those who read the Bible know what Jesus Christ said. “If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her.” The “saints” walked away one at a time, leaving the adulterous alone with Jesus Christ.

According to the Bible, adultery happens once a person marries another person who was married despite separation or divorce from his or her partner, except if the reason for divorce was due to adultery.
The Biblical teaching of today by most pastors and clergy puzzles me. This is because they preach grace to their flock, telling them the law was nailed to the cross. But then they preach the law when it comes to a number of things like tithe, marriage and divorce to mention but a few.

They falsely preach that “sowing a seed – kusiga ensigo” is giving money in envelopes of different shades (colours) yet according to the parable of the sower in the Bible, Jesus tells us that the seed is the word of God.
This crop of people is now preaching righteousness and throwing stones at the helpless Babirye, a sinner like us and them all.

Therefore, leave Babirye alone unless it is well intended. This treatment of the artiste must have left many women wondering where they can run to for peace, quiet, comfort and belonging. When they try and do something different they are judged from one end to the other by a patriarchal society. We all need forgiveness from God for things we have done wrong. He has never condemned us.
Therefore, we should not condemn Judith Babirye. She needs counselling instead.

The writer is a Human Rights activist and advocacy officer working with the African Centre for Treatment and Rehabilitation of Torture Victims