Tooro King rival arrested

Prince David Kijanangoma addressing the media recently where he made a claim to the Tooro Kingdom crown. File photo

Police in Fort Portal, Kabarole District have arrested Prince David Kijanangoma, who recently made a claim to the Tooro Kingdom crown, over alleged inciting violence and holding illegal meetings.
Prince Kijanangoma was arrested last evening hours before he held a press conference at the king’s palace at Rwengoma.
He said he had been offered the oldest palace by his uncle to stay in as his contact place as he finalises his mission of dethroning King Oyo Nyimba Kabamba Iguru Rukidi IV.
Prince Kijanangoma recently caused a storm in Tooro when he convened a press conference and declared himself the king. He accused his cousin, King Oyo of incompetence.
At yesterday’s press conference, Prince Kijanangoma said: “Even if am arrested and taken to Luzira, I will not die before I accomplish my struggle, no one will stop this struggle, me and many others, King Oyo is no longer my king.”
“I declare that this is my home and my new palace, any Mutooro who wants me let him or her find me here,” he added.
His arrest was confirmed by the officer in charge of criminal investigations, Mr Joshua Tusingwiire. “He has been charged on several counts, one of them is inciting violence,” Mr Tusingwiire said.
King Oyo returned to his kingdom at the weekend and is at his Karuzika Palace in Fort Portal Town.
Prince Kijanangoma accuses the king of, among others, abdicating his kingdom duties and deciding to live in Kampala.
Prince Kijanagoma is the son of the late Paul Kijanangoma, the eldest son of Sir George Rukidi, the former King of Tooro.