Tooro Queen Mother cited in kingdom land wrangle

Best Kemigisa

The Tooro Queen mother, Best Kemigisa, has been involved in a land wrangle in Kabarole District where a resident is alleging that she sold him ‘air’.
The Queen Mother is alleged to have sold a plot of land to Mr Robert Mwambukya at Shs2.5 million on July 16, 2008.

Mr Mwambukya is a resident of East Division in Fort Portal Municipality. He said after buying the land, he carried out survey of the said plot at Kyogya and later fragmented it into small blocks and started developing them only to be shocked when he received a January 16, 2009 letter from the Queen Mother through the registrar of titles ordering him to stop developing the plot.

Trouble came after Ms Ruth Cox Kugonza, a granddaughter to Kabatebe Komuntale claimed that the 2.9 acre of land located in Kyogya belonged to her and that Mr Mwambukya was just given the land as care taker after the death of his aunt Damali Tibeitwa (deceased Queen mother and wife to the late King Kyebambe).

During a conflict resolution meeting with the residents on Tuesday chaired by Kabarole Resident District Commissioner Kakonge Kambarage, Mr Mwambukya showed receipts of the said plots he purportedly got from the Queen Mother.

RDC orders
Mr Kakonge instead ordered Mr Mwambukya to vacate the plot within one month. But Mr Mwambukya, who has stayed on the land for over 20 years, said he wants Shs30 million that he had spent on developing it.

But when contacted on Thursday, Best Kemigisa said: “May be Mwambukya is mad, he must be a mad man, I have never sold to him land, the said land belongs to Cox.”
Ms Kugonza said: “Tooro Kingdom assigned Mwambukya to look after the said lands at Kyogya but he consequently tried to grab the said land and also annex mine. We stopped him by calling in police and the RDC.”