Why Luweero faithful are embracing reconciliation

Luweero Diocesan Bishop Wilson Kisekka (L) interacts with Rev Canon Godfrey Kasana at Luweero Boys Primary School. PHOTO/DAN WANDERA

What you need to know:

  • Luweero Diocese is part of the 38 Anglican Dioceses that constitute the Province of the Church of Uganda under the Anglican faith.

The faithful believe the good working relationship between the Bishop of Luweero Diocese, Wilson Kisekka, and Rev Can Kasana is an indicator of the dispute’s end.

The Anglican community in Greater Luweero is on a path to reconciliation after a dispute which saw the Archbishop of the Church of Uganda and 37 diocesan bishops dragged to court.

In March 2023, a section of the faithful and the Province of the Church of Uganda clashed over the process of nominating the fourth bishop of Luweero Diocese. This following the Church leadership’s decision to nullify the election of Rev Can Godfrey Kasana as Luweero Diocese bishop

This led to a section of Christians suing the church leadership over the same but this was dismissed by the court.

In December 2023, another case was filed against the archbishop of the Province of the Church of Uganda and the House of Bishops by six concerned Christians.

However, there are several indications that the warring parties have since reconciled.

One such indication is the withdrawal of the court case by four of the six Christians.

“The reason why we went to court was to ensure that we get the fourth bishop. While it is true that our concern at the time was about the process that did not go on smoothly, we have to work with the new bishop and work as one Anglican community,” one of the lead petitioners, Mr Saight Ssendowoza, told this publication.

Another indicator is the good working relationship between the Bishop of Luweero Diocese, Wilson Kisekka, and Rev Can Kasana.

Rev Kasana is often seen in the company of Bishop Kisekka, including during a recent pastoral visit to Luweero Boys Primary School. This has led many to believe that the dispute is in the past.

 “God took control of the delicate situation. While many felt the diocese was on the brink of splitting and a possible breakaway, God calmed the troubled waters. We thank God that Rev Can Godfrey Kasana is with the diocese team and growing strong. He is a God’s servant,” Ms Edith Nabateregga, a member of the Luweero Diocese Mothers’ Union, said.

 “When I learnt that Rev Can Kasana had already started working with the new bishop and the team of clergy at the diocese, my heart was filled with joy because God had answered my prayer,” Mr Paul Tebandeke, a congregant at St Stephen’s Church of Uganda Luteete Archdeaconry, said.

Bishop Kisekka also officiated the funeral service for Rev Kasana’s daughter Allen Nabatanzi in Sekamuli Village, Bamunanika Sub-county, Luweero on July 16.

During the service, Bishop Kisekka said his friendship with Rev Can Kasana dates back to when he was an archdeacon attached to Mukono Diocese. At that time, Rev Kasana was in charge of Luteete Archdeacon under Luweero Diocese, where they often met.

Meanwhile, Rev Kasana said: “I thank the Church led by the archbishop, the Bishop of Luweero Diocese Wilson Kisekka, the bishops from the different dioceses, and members of the clergy that have condoled with us.”

 Ms Elizabeth Nabagala, a congregant at St Paul Church of Uganda in Wobulenzi Town, said: “We have heard the condolence message from the archbishop of the Church of Uganda and the message from the different diocesan bishops and the clergy that have condoled with Rev Godfrey Kasana. This is a true picture of unity as Anglicans of Luweero Diocese.” 

Rev Kasana

While a section of the faithful engaged in protests, Rev Kasana did not make any public statement about his challenges with the mainstream Anglican Church. 

Whenever he appeared in public, he always emphasised that he is an Anglican under the Province of the Church of Uganda.

“I love my faith as an Anglican and will work for the development and unity of the Church under the Luweero Diocese. We should remain united,” Rev Kasana said at a function where a group of faithful donated a car to ease his transport in May 2024.

Rev Kasana chairs several school boards on behalf of Luweero Diocese.


The nomination and election process for the fourth bishop of Luweero Diocese, which took place between March 2023 and March 2024, was a challenging period for both the faithful and the Province of the Church of Uganda. In June 2023, the House of Bishops revoked the nomination of Rev Kasana as bishop-elect for Luweero Diocese. Subsequently, the archbishop of the Church of Uganda appointed the retired Bishop of Mukono Diocese, James Ssebaggala, as caretaker bishop for Luweero Diocese for a period of seven months.

The Province of the Church of Uganda on March 25, 2024 consecrated Bishop Wilson Kisekka as the fourth bishop of Luweero Diocese at St Mark’s Cathedral in Luweero Town.

Luweero Diocese is part of the 38 Anglican Dioceses that constitute the Province of the Church of Uganda under the Anglican faith.