Embrace persons with disabilities for equity

What you need to know:

  • Inclusion aims to ensure life experiences are open to everyone. Inclusion is central to equality.

Inclusion is about ensuring every person can fully participate in all aspects of society. Inclusion should be implemented across a number
of different areas, including workplaces, public areas, schools, institutions, and consumer facing businesses.

In the disability community, inclusion is essential. Many aspects of life are inherently designed for non-disabled people, to the disadvantage of those living with disabilities.

At Inclusion Melbourne, we believe that all people should be afforded the same opportunities and support, tailored to their individual needs. Inclusion Melbourne , a non-governmental organisation that advances social justice and community development and focuses on persons with disabilities, is concerned that disabled adults miss out on socialising, community participation, education and employment because many programmes and events do nor cater for a wide range of needs. Inclusion aims to ensure life experiences are open to everyone.

Inclusion is central to equality. If every person is not able to participate in what life has to offer, then we are essentially living in
an unequal society.

It is our mission to make sure each person has the same opportunity to actively enjoy a valued life, and to take their place in society as
a respected citizen.

It is, therefore, essential that workplaces, public places, social events and institutions are inclusive to differing needs, to ensure social inclusion. Aspects of life such as choice and control are meaningless if there is no trust in the voice of people with a disability.

Secondly, inclusion enriches society. Incorporating different perspectives into our world view ensures we continually grow and develop, and make decisions that capture a range of different life experiences.

Meanwhile, inclusion is often confused with integration. Integration refers to the segregation of people with disabilities from the
mainstream, in the form of specialised groups or classes.

Integration may result in isolation from the rest of society in a number of ways. Integration is a method that inhibits people with disabilities from being able to truly participate in society.

On the other hand, inclusion ensures each person is able to achieve the same outcomes. Whether that be in social, educational, or employment settings, inclusion is the best method to ensure people with disabilities are given the same opportunities to participate in society.

In conclusion, fostering awareness and understanding of persons with disabilities within our community is crucial for building an inclusive and supportive society. By educating ourselves and others, promoting accessibility, and embracing diversity, we can breakdown barriers and create an environment where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

Let us commit to being allies and advocates, ensuring all individuals, regardless of their abilities, are valued and respected. Together, we can make a meaningful difference and contribute to a more equitable and compassionate world.

Ms Charlotte Ahimbisibwe is a student at Kyambogo University pursuing  Bachelors in Community Development and Social Justice.