Govt should have deferred Ntoroko funds

Fabiano Okware                 

What you need to know:

  • What is expected from parliamentarians as they debate on motions regarding various interventions, is to be aware of the effects of states of nature and the consequent mitigation measures. 

Following a  documentary aired by NTV on Sunday, August 29, I am again inclined to make my submission on whether Emyooga funds distribution to the districts was properly conceived. 

And if it was, during the implementation phase and more so, at the time the parliamentarians were asked to camp in their constituencies to ascertain how the Emyooga funds have been utilized and what criteria was used for the disbursement, because the duty to ensure accountability lies with parliament, would some districts like Ntorooko go ahead to disburse the funds?. 

The Emyooga, just like the now Parish Development Model (PDM) is an interventionist programme that weaves into the context of wealth creation. In other words, both programmes require consultations with the grassroot stakeholders to be demand-driven as opposed to supply–driven interventions. 

What is expected from parliamentarians as they debate on motions regarding various interventions, is to be aware of the effects of states of nature and the consequent mitigation measures. 

Surely MPs should be able to understand the geography of their constituencies, so that the debate in the house helps in taking cognizance of priorities back home basing on the law of economics, as they partake in sharing the national cake. 

The documentary clearly highlighted inadequacy in service delivery to the people of Ntoroko district submerged in the waters of lake albert, living under pathetic and inhygienic conditions, Both counties have been submerged under water.

 Where is the representation of these constituencies in parliament? The verbatim from the LCV and LCIII, “At least I have done something in my three months, better than  my precedesor “, “The government team was here, visited only one county and promised to come back in helicopter so that they cound visit the entire district, but to-date no one has come back”.

We hear government goes to rescue people in somalia, but they do not want to rescue us. I think we need  President Museveni himself to come and rescue us” respectively. Men are bathing on the canoes! Women have to row the canoe to go to bathe under the paphrus reeds! Where is the minster of disaster preparedness? 

I wonder what the report submitted to president Museveni on Emyooga last month showed about Ntoroko district! The funds were meant for any productive activity for wealth creation, but the entire two constitutencies are submerged by water! What viable economic activity do we expect the citizens to involve in? 

Ideally we would expect the legislators of these constituencies to have engaged government and the local authorities to stay these funds or redirect it for resettlement due to unfavourable weather conditions. Otherwise these funds will be misused. This is business!

 Unfortunately not all legislators have the business acumen. Earlier President Museveni had proposed all permanent Secretaries to have a Masters in Business Adminstration (MBA) because they are conducting government business! 

In the same vain I would implore all legislators in whatever discipline to embrace MBA as an added advantage for, it takes them to a higher level in understanding the dynamics, not only for government business but also in their respective disciplines. 

For business is not only for survival, but growth, development and prosperity within the environment one operates in. An MBA instils in persons requisite knowledge, skills, abilities and other characteristics (KSAOs) in areas of economics, finacial management, marketing, project managemnet, business policy, strategic management, etc.

It is one thing government enacting a policy, but it requires legislators to debate it, cognizant of individual constituency backgrounds. Remember also that policies are not cast on stone, but depend on environmental factors. We are aware that today’s environment is dynamic, if not, unpredictable! 

So we would expect legislators  whose districts have eminent challenges such as Ntorooko to have engaged both central and local governments for an option of choice with a justification, such as water flooding in Ntorooko, to stay funding of Emyooga funds to the district because it could not be absorbed at that particular period!

To all the legislators, Ugandans are yearning for improved service delivery. Unfortunately, there are detractors to government service delivery, frustrating efforts of effective legislators. 

Dr Fabiano Okware is an  Independent Business and Management Consultant [email protected]