Rest assured, PDM will succeed

Robert Atuhairwe

What you need to know:

Beyond the monetary injection and the other six pillars on which PDM stands, I find the “Mindset” pillar the most empowering one of all

What is truest about Parish Development Model (PDM) is that it is a much-needed intervention in the interest of the Ugandan who has always been estranged from the business of making money. PDM aims to introduce every Ugandan into formal business.

Ugandans are gifted agriculturalists with very conducive soils and climatic patterns, as well as an inexhaustible market for their produce, locally and internationally.

All these other modern sectors (e.g ICT, hospitality) are a good place to go and compete but Ugandans have not exhausted the opportunities around agriculture, along the value chain- from the raw produce to the high value processed product. Therefore, PDM comes as a golden bullet to spur mass production and feed the emerging small and large scale processing revolution.

Some Ugandans have been unwilling to do what it takes to uplift themselves to a comfortable state of being, where they can become competitive players in the money economy. By taking seed capital directly to them, government is offering them a hook. It is handing them the power to transform themselves into their own hands. The idea of government “imposing” wealth in the pocket of everyone is not practical, especially if they are unwilling to do their part. Wealth comes to those who believe and do!

Once again, let it be understood that PDM money is not “akasiimo” (a political token of appreciation)-it is seed capital, a revolving fund that is recouped and reinvested among members of the operating Saccos. Any abused and unrecovered funds will be counted on the members, among their own people.

This money will prosper people, or shame them among their relations without an excuse of corruption at the “centre”.

Beyond the monetary injection and the other six pillars on which PDM stands, I find the “Mindset” pillar the most empowering one of all. Ugandans are being infused with the hunger and willpower to change their situation; they are being encouraged to adopt financial literacy skills, and the art of working together for prosperity-in Saccos. The advantages here are immense. It means that Ugandans will adopt the culture of saving and investing, which is the gateway to wealth.

PDM will also empower people to manage their (tax payer’s) money. “Parish people” will be challenged to manage these funds perfectly as opposed to the corruption that many times arises when funds have to go through many hands.

People who try to steal government money when it gets to the grassroots are most dangerous because they take away the money which is laser targeted for development. The complaint from the grassroots has always been on those that steal from the centre, especially through deals but these have been knocked off through deliberate efforts by the President to get money in the hands of the ordinary “tax payer”. Let us not disappoint him!

PDM is a vehicle to ask for accountability, to question the application of public resources and to benefit from what is available for individual and group development. District and Local Government leaders should keenly follow the monies to ensure that they go to the rightfully registered groups and members and that the beneficiaries fully understand the purpose of the funds and accompanying reporting mechanisms. It is best if those who have not yet fully understood the purpose of the funds and who are not ready not to touch them until they understand all the “dos and don’ts”. We should not make rushed mistakes to destroy the name and intention of the programme. When there is transparency and accountability and evidence of benefit, this will attract other citizens to participate in the programme and to better their lives.

Whatever anybody may say about PDM, as someone among the frontliners both in demystifying and implementing this programme, I know that it will succeed and aid the active poor who are the target group. After PDM, those of us who fit in properly with the Vision of the President, we see the next logical step after PDM that will entrench willing Ugandans in the money economy. In Bushenyi, we are ready to make the most of PDM!

Mr Robert Atuhairwe is the Resident District Commissioner (RDC), Bushenyi [email protected]