Why you need basic lifesaving skills

Writer: Elias Musiime. PHOTO/FILE/COURTESY 

What you need to know:

  • The ability to provide immediate and effective first aid and basic life support is a critical skill that everyone should possess.

In a world where emergencies can strike without warning, the ability to provide immediate and effective first aid can mean the difference between life and death. This is particularly crucial in areas where access to emergency health services is limited. Despite advancements in medical technology and healthcare infrastructure, a vast number of people die each year because they cannot reach timely medical assistance. Equipping individuals with basic first aid and life support skills is not just a beneficial addition to one’s knowledge, it is a vital necessity that can save countless lives.

Every year, the statistics related to preventable deaths paint a stark picture. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), over 1.3 million people die annually from road traffic accidents, and many of these fatalities could be prevented with prompt first aid. Similarly, cardiac arrests, which account for around 7 million deaths globally each year, often occur outside of hospital settings. The American Heart Association reports that immediate CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) can double or triple a cardiac arrest victim's chance of survival. However, only about 46% of people who suffer from cardiac arrest outside a hospital receive the help they need before professional help arrives.

In Uganda, many health facilities lack ambulatory services making access to Emergency medical services (EMS) difficult to obtain. Studies have shown that over 65% of accident casualty transfers are made by the police who often have no first aid or basic life support skills to help the victim. Moreover, the average cost of a long ambulance run is about 400,000/= in a private hospital which is unaffordable to many Ugandans. Such challenges significantly increase the risk of fatalities from injuries, heart attacks, strokes, and other medical emergencies. First aid and basic life support (BLS) training can empower individuals to perform CPR, stop bleeding, treat burns, and manage fractures which can help to stabilize a patient’s condition until professional help arrives.

The Importance of First Aid Skills

First aid is the initial assistance given to a person suffering from a sudden illness or injury. Its primary purpose is to preserve life, prevent the condition from worsening, and promote recovery. Here are several reasons why everyone should have basic first aid skills:

  1. Saving Lives: The most compelling reason is the potential to save lives. Cardiac arrest, for example, can lead to death within minutes if not treated immediately. A bystander trained in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) can maintain blood flow to vital organs, increasing the likelihood of survival until EMS arrives.
  2. Reducing Recovery Time: Timely first aid can mitigate the severity of an injury or illness. For instance, knowing how to properly clean and bandage a wound can prevent infection and promote faster healing. In cases of fractures, proper immobilization can prevent further damage and reduce recovery time.
  3. Preventing Medical Situations from Worsening: Immediate first aid can prevent a condition from deteriorating. For example, controlling severe bleeding through proper techniques can prevent a victim from going into shock, a life-threatening condition.
  4. Increasing Safety Awareness: First aid training often includes education on accident prevention. This awareness can lead to safer environments at home, work, and in public spaces, ultimately reducing the number of emergencies.

The Critical Role of Basic Life Support (BLS)

BLS encompasses a set of techniques used to maintain an airway, support breathing, and maintain circulation without the use of advanced equipment. Key components of BLS include CPR and the use of automated external defibrillators (AEDs). Here’s why BLS skills are essential for everyone:

  1. Immediate Response to Cardiac Arrest: Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Survival rates decrease by 10% for every minute without defibrillation. BLS training empowers individuals to perform CPR and use an AED, significantly improving the chances of survival for SCA victims.
  2. Effective Management of Choking: Choking is a common and potentially fatal emergency. BLS training includes techniques such as the Heimlich maneuver, which can dislodge an obstruction from the airway, restoring normal breathing.
  3. Building Confidence to Act in Emergencies: Many people hesitate to act in an emergency due to fear of causing harm or legal repercussions. BLS training builds confidence and provides the knowledge needed to act swiftly and correctly, dispelling common myths and fears.
  4. Enhancing Community Preparedness: When more people are trained in BLS, communities as a whole become more resilient. In the event of a natural disaster or mass casualty incident, having a large number of trained individuals can make a significant difference in overall outcomes.

Despite these benefits, many people still lack basic first aid knowledge with many lacking the confidence required to perform a first aid. This gap highlights the urgent need for widespread training programs for first aid and basic life support.

Implementing first aid and BLS training in schools, workplaces, and community centers can make a substantial difference. Government, businesses and non-profit organizations should prioritize these programs, especially in areas with limited access to healthcare services. In addition, public awareness campaigns can help dispel myths about first aid and encourage more people to acquire these vital skills. The cost of training programs is relatively low compared to the immense benefits they provide. In many cases, basic first aid courses can be completed in a single day, yet the skills learned can last a lifetime.

The ability to provide immediate and effective first aid and basic life support is a critical skill that everyone should possess. The statistics underscore the tragic reality that many lives are lost each year due to the absence of timely medical intervention. By prioritizing first aid and BLS training, we can empower individuals to save lives, improve recovery outcomes, and foster a culture of preparedness and resilience. Consider enrolling in a basic first aid and BLS course today. Your preparedness could one day make a crucial difference in someone’s life. Remember, in an emergency, every second counts, and your skills could be the key to saving a life.