Keep children safe this festive season

What you need to know:

  • The issue: Children safety
  • Our view: Let us stay vigilant with our security, continue to observe standard operating procedures and other guidelines set by the Ministry of Health to prevent the spread of Covid-19. 

Reports of defilement of more than three minors under the age of 14 in a few days in Mukono District is a disgusting development. 

These represent only what is reported to the police. The figures may be higher given reports earlier in the year, where more child abuse took place during the months children have been out of school. Worse still, this is a trend that shows no sign of abating even during the end of year holidays. 

While communities prepare for Christmas festivities, we should continue to keep a keen eye on the children as predators could strike if we lower our guard. 

Children left at home on their own are particularly vulnerable. For parents and guardians who go to work, festivities, far-off visits and any other duties, there is a need to leave children under the care of trusted adults or take them along if there is no sufficient care at home and safety is not guaranteed. 

Communities should be encouraged to report suspicious activity at the earliest opportunity. 

Besides, the education of our children needs to continue in terms of the basic dos and don’ts when it comes to their interactions within the community. 

Additionally, caution must be given when assigning children holiday engagements. For instance, how far should we send children to the market, shop or carry out any other duty? How late are children allowed to stay out of home? 

Communities should be empowered. It is also imperative to  caution and restrain parents or guardians who neglect their duty of care to children. The authorities may intervene to arrest perpetrators of crime against children but the duty of care and protection for the little ones starts at home, with us. A society that ignores the abuse and destruction of its children has no future at all.

On the whole, let us stay vigilant with our security, continue to observe standard operating procedures and other guidelines set by the Ministry of Health to prevent the spread of Covid-19. It is also critical that we should be our neighbour’s keeper throughout the festive season. 

Given the government advice to citizens to limit movements from towns to upcountry destinations, it may be wise to stay home with our families as much as possible as this would limit the spread of disease, among other things. 

We wish you a merry Christmas and happy holidays, with all of us, including law enforcers and communities, their respectively playing  their roles to ensure our safety and of those who are most vulnerable among us.