Kudos to judge on legal officer ruling

State House Entebbe. PHOTO/FILE

What you need to know:

The issue: Ethics

Our view: When officials take on tasks not assigned to them by law, they may not be subject to the same level of scrutiny and oversight, allowing for potential abuses of power to go unchecked.

This newspaper reported in yesterday’s edition that a High Court judge had quashed a directive from a State House legal officer to give away land in the heart of Kampala city.

Justice Boniface Wamala observed that Ms Sandra Ndyomugyenyi, a legal officer at State House, was wrong to clear the give-away of land near Mulago roundabout.

First, the judge was right in stating that the legal officer had no power to do so, and secondly the land matter was still in court.

This ruling should sound as a warning to all people in placers of authority who think they can do anything – including on matters beyond their mandate.

As public servants, government officials are entrusted with the responsibility of executing specific duties and tasks as outlined by law. However, it is not uncommon to see officials overstepping their mandate, taking on roles and responsibilities that are not within their purview, which many times lead to conflict and poor service delivery. This not only undermines the rule of law but also leads to abuse of power, inefficiency, and erosion of trust in public institutions.

When officials overstep their authority, they risk infringing on the rights and powers of other branches of government, as well as those of citizens. This can lead to a concentration of power, undermining the system of checks and balances that is essential to democratic governance.

Moreover, overstepping their mandate can lead to a lack of accountability and transparency. When officials take on tasks not assigned to them by law, they may not be subject to the same level of scrutiny and oversight, allowing for potential abuses of power to go unchecked.

Furthermore, when officials stray from their designated roles, such as the State House legal officer, they can create confusion and inefficiency. It can lead to duplication of efforts, conflicting policies, and a lack of clear lines of authority.

We think that it is essential that government officials stay within the bounds of their mandate. They must be mindful of their responsibilities and ensure their actions are guided by the law. By doing so, they can maintain public trust, ensure accountability, and promote efficient governance.

Let us emphasize the importance of adhering to the rule of law and respecting the separation of powers. Only then can we ensure our public institutions serve the people effectively and maintain the integrity of our systems.

This should apply to all offices; not just the case in point.

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