Dear UN, Museveni and UPDF are longtime vendors of security

Aiden Wasajja

What you need to know:

  • Let me remind the UN that Uganda is working closely with other regional countries such as South Sudan, Sudan and Somalia to find lasting solutions to the insecurity there. So when it comes to promoting peace and security Museveni and the UPDF score highly and should be rated thus.

I recently woke up to shocking reports that one of the most professional armies in the world, the mighty Uganda People’s Defence Forces (UPDF), was being accused of supporting M23 rebels in their mission to destabilise the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

The report was written by a UN panel of experts. What a shame! How can the UPDF, support a ragtag group in a region where the UPDF is doing everything possible to bring about lasting peace? To put our dear readers into context, the leaked report by the UN noted that, “The [UN Experts] Group … obtained evidence confirming active support to M23 by certain UPDF and Chieftaincy of Military Intelligence (CMI) officials.”

“Intelligence sources and individuals close to M23 also confirmed the presence of Ugandan military intelligence officers in Bunagana since at least late 2023, to coordinate with M23 leaders, provide logistics, and transport M23 leaders to M23-controlled areas.”

First of all the UN should be aware that President Museveni has signed various agreements with his Congolese counterpart aimed at jointly eliminating insurgents and terrorists, especially the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF), from eastern DRC. Operation Shujaa, which has been in operation since November 2022, has resulted in the elimination of hundreds of blood-thirsty terrorists and at least parts of DRC are experiencing peace. In addition, Museveni gave the green light for the deployment of UPDF under the regional force meant to stop advances by the likes of M23 rebels.

Uganda is also involved in joint ventures with DRC such as roads, border markets and electricity, all aimed at improving the socio-economic wellbeing of the citizens of the two sister countries. When it comes to trade, latest reports indicate that Uganda recorded a trade surplus with DRC amounting to $53.07 million (Shs208.9 billion). So, who works to destabilise a country that is providing market for their suppliers and traders? Definitely, that is not Museveni’s dream for the UPDF and the East African Community. Our President has worked tooth and nail to ensure that more countries join the Community so that we can have an expanded market. He worked tirelessly to have South Sudan, DRC and Somalia join the EAC. Already Uganda and DRC have resolved to waive visa requirements in a bid to ease trade and movement of persons across the common border.

But here comes the UN, which has for more than 25 years, failed to forge a solution for the instability in eastern DRC, accusing the UPDF, currently one of the lead partners with DRC in pacifying the same region. President Museveni’s age-old dream of peace and security first has enabled Uganda’s economy to expand from single to more than double digits. Going by the latest figures revealed by Finance Ministerster Matia Kasaija during the reading of the budget, Uganda’s economy is estimated at sh202 trillion ($53.3 billion), with a GDP growth rate projection of 6 percent. In the early 1980-90s, the size of the economy was less than $10b, but with the continuous peace and security ushered in by President Museveni, the expansion was inevitable given the investor confidence created among both local and foreign entrepreneurs.

Finally, let me remind the UN that Uganda is working closely with other regional countries such as South Sudan, Sudan and Somalia to find lasting solutions to the insecurity there. So when it comes to promoting peace and security Museveni and the UPDF score highly and should be rated thus.

Let me end with a quote from UPDF deputy spokesperson Deo Akiiki who said: “Such groups of the so-called “experts” should ask the real experts on eastern DRC to help them make better reports instead of arm-chair reports that misguide the world and continue to fuel conflicts.”

The author, Aiden Wassajja, Businessman